Chapter Nineteen

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We sit by a waterfall and a ivy wall that you can walk through, there's a small pond filled with fish of every color. I ordered the Fiorentina steak and Ribollita, which is a soup that's thickened with bread. When the food came out it looked so good I couldn't help but get a picture of everything. I felt like I was eating a meal fit for a king.

"Jarell, how on earth did you find this place?" Stanley leans forward and awaits a answer. "I used to come here with my mom. She found it while out on a walk one day and decided that after she had me this would be our special place." I watch as he talks about the memory and I can't help but smile at the way his entire being lights up when he talks about his mom. "I don't think she'd like you sharing her secrets." Sophia teases. "Well if she were still here I don't think she'd mind." I frown. "Still here?" The words are out of my mouth before I can think. "Oh that's so rude. What the hell is wrong with me?" I groan and hang my head. I can hear Tia snickering and I lift my head up to glare at her. "It's fine Hailey, she died from cancer two years ago." He says it so calmly and it makes me jealous, I can't even speak about what happened to my parents without crying still.

After everyone was finished eating Kim offered to take our picture for the restaurant wall. "Would you send it to me?" I asked her after she took it. She takes down my number and a few seconds later the picture is saved to my phone. "Thank you!" I give Kim a hug and then join everyone outside the restaurant. "Now what?" Tia is watching the cars drive past. "Okay I know we have school tomorrow but hear me out..." everyone turns to stare at me. "Margaritas?" Stanley's face lights up instantly. "Oh fuck yea! Now that I can get down with." Sophia wraps her arm around Stanley, "oh honey, your gays showing." He pushes her off of him with a grin. "Hey I'll allowed to show it, especially when margaritas are involved."

Jarell drives us to a bar that overlooks the beach and I take a giant inhale of fresh beach air. "Now this is life." I agree with Tia and allow her to drag me to the dance floor while Sophia orders for us. A random song is playing but I don't let that stop me from getting down with my bestfriend. When the song is done we head back to our table where our drinks are waiting. "You guys we should watch the sun set!" Sophia checks her watch to see when the sun is gonna set. "It's 6:45 now, we can order another round and then go sit out the beach and wait for the sun to set. It goes down at 8." We all agree and send Stanley to order for us this time since he kept eyeing the bartender.

When Stan comes back he looks even happier than when he left. "Sooo me and the hot hunk are going out Saturday night!" Sophia high fives him and I wiggle my eyebrows. "Does he know your a freshman in college?" Stan nods and my eyes widen. "Tell me the whole story as we walk down the pier." We all leave together and head down towards the beach while listening to Stanley explain how he scored a date with Mr. Hot hunk.

I kick off my slide and socks before stepping into the warm sand. The sun is starting to cast pink out into the sky and I get excited because I've always wanted to walk the beach at night. "Sooooo Hailey.." I turn and come face to face with Tia. "Why do you say to a dip in the water?" She pokes her bottom lip out and I agree. "Or we could skinny dip.." I slide my eyes over to the sign that clearly reads, "NUDE BEACH" and stare at Tia to see her reaction. "Bitch yes!" I run over to Stan and hand him my glass, "I can't promise you'll still have something to drink when your done." He says. "That's fine." And then I strip out of my clothes.

I race to the water feeling free and I allow the coldness to shock me. "This is life baby!" Tia shouts and I let out a breathy laugh, I look at my friends and smile. This is how life is supposed to be, fun and care free not feeling bad for a mistake you didn't make. When I'm finished I walk back over to Stanley who hands me my clothes before my empty cup. "You just couldn't help yourself huh?" He grins then blows me a kiss.

I can feel eyes on me as I get dressed, looking up I see Jarell watching me. "Hey Soph, what time is it?" Sophia grabs her phone and checks the time. "It's 7:35." I thank her then start to make my way down the beach in hope that Jarell will follow. I can feel him behind me so I stop and allow him to come stand next to me. "Hey." He smiles down at me and my stomach starts to feel funny again. "Hey, sorry for kidnapping you. My friends and I are pretty spontaneous to say the least." He raises a brow at me and I frown. "What?"

"Spontaneous isn't even the word for it. This is the most fun Ive had since my mom died, it's like I'm supposed to be here. Corny I know but it's true." I nod then continue my walk. "I like to think we were almost drawn to each other, the moment I saw you your energy was pulling me towards you." My eyes widen and I turn my head to look at Jarell. "You believe in energies attract?" He nods and I can feel my hands start to sweat. "Where the hell did you come from?" I don't even have to look at him to see he's frowning. "What do you mean?" His voice softens and I immediately feel bad.

"I just meant... I've only known you for a day but yet you give me butterflies to say the least. I get so nervous... I don't know how to explain it." I look away and he gently grabs my arm. "It's okay, do your best and I'll piece it together." My heart swells and I know he means it. "You make my palms sweat, I get nervous and my stomach feels like there's butterflies going a thousand miles a minute." I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves. "It feels like I've known you for longer than a day, my whole life practically.. I've never felt more comfortable in my life. I feel safe here, it's like I know youll do anything to protect me.." I finish and look up at him. His hazel eyes are racing with emotion and I'm afraid of what he's going to say.

Before Jarell can say anything Sophia shouts for us from the blanket. "GUYS COME ON ITS ABOUT TO START!" I let out a breathy laugh and grab his hand. We run back to the others who have already made themselves comfortable on the blanket. "Sorry Tia take up the whole blanket, she's such a whale." Sophia jokes. Tia scoffs but doesn't disagree with her twin sister. "She can sit on my lap." Jarell says and then plops onto the only open spot on the blanket. Not really having another option I make myself comfortable in his lap, I lean against his right shoulder and tuck my head into his neck.

The sun starts to set like clock work but tonight it feels different. I smile to myself as I watch the sky fade to pink then a dark purple and the stars fill the sky. This was one for the books..

A Ghostly LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara