Chapter five

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When I wake up in the morning my stomach feels funny so I rush to my bathroom. The minute I hit the toilet my stomach drops a bomb into the water. I groan and hang my head. I hated that when I'm hungover I have to poop all the time. Why couldn't I be the person to get the headaches and nausea instead. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. After I'm done I grab my toothbrush and quickly brush my teeth. After I'm done I head back into my bed to wait for the girls to wake up.

I spot a brown thing in my bed and pull the sheets back to see what it was. It was a jacket and when I picked it up the events from yesterday come rushing back to me. "Donny." I say aloud. I grab my phone and make my way downstairs. The house isn't as messy as I thought it would be and I smile to myself. I start to cleanup the stuff on the floor when the doorbell rings. I quickly go to open the door and I'm greeted by a cleanup crew. "Hailey staltz?" The burlap man asks me. I nod and he hands me a envelope signed by Nancy. "I'm here to clean up your Halloween party. We should be done in about a hour." He waltz's I got he house along with 12 other men and I shut the front door. I head to the stairs so I could sit down and watch them cleanup.

Inside the envelope was a Halloween card from Nancy. I smile and set it down next to me as I watch the men cleanup the mess from last night. They finish before the twins wake up and I tip them as they leave. Once I shut the front door I go lay on the couch. I think about the jacket Donny left here and I'm sucked into a memory from the last night I saw him.

As we pull up to Donnys house his father is waiting for him on the front porch. I turn my head and I see me. I gasp but the other me doesn't seem to notice. I feel myself get out of my moms car and heading towards the front door on Donny's house. "Couldn't stay out of trouble could you boy?" His fathers deep voice comes from behind me. I turn to face him and glup as he towers over me, piss drunk. "I'm sorry father. I just didn't want to disappoint Hailey." My mouth moves and it's not my voice speaking. It's Donny and then I feel the sting of a slap across my face. My eyes threaten to spill tears but thankfully they don't. "Get inside." I turn towards the front door and find myself back in my living room. I sit up and take a deep breath. I can hear the twins coming downstairs so I turn to them.

"Well it's about damn time." I say with a laugh and Sophia gives me a smug grin. "Oh you hush. You disappeared from your own party for like a hour with Donald." She teases me and I smile. Tia grunts at me and walks into the kitchen, she's not a talker until she gets some food in her. As Sophia follows behind her sister I stay on the couch thinking about what I just saw. I don't know whether or not I should be scared or just let it go. I decide on the latter and join the girls in the kitchen. Tia hands me a smoothie bowl and join them at the island. "So what are we doing today?" I look up at Sophia and she frowns. "You have a date with Zach today. So you're getting ready for that while I spend some quality time with your sister." I smile at her and Tia cackles. "Can't believe I forgot about that!" Sophia shrieks and rushes upstairs to look through her clothes. "Where are they going?" Tia asks as we finish breakfast. "Arcade." She fist bumps me and puts Sophia's bowl in the sink.

Once Tia and I were done we made our way back up to my room. When we entered Sophia had about 50 outfits laying out. "It's an arcade not a fashion show!" Tia says to her. I snort but cover it with a cough when Sophia glares at me. "Help me!" She practically yells at us. Tia plops down on my bed in amusement. I slowly look over her options and decide to grab a pair of ripped jeans from one outfit, a pink crop top from another, a black button up and her pink addias. I toss the clothes at her and she frowns at me. "We'll go on." She walks into my bathroom and I join Tia on my bed. "Your sister makes my life very hard." I stare at her and she smiles. "Try living with her." We giggle and then wait for Sophia to come out of my bathroom.

She finally comes out and I have to say I'm very proud of myself. Sophia looks amazing and Tia agrees. "What about my hair?" She stares at herself in my vanity mirror. "Ouuu let me do a top knot with a swoop." I tell her. Once I finish her hair she smiles at me. "With no help from my sister.." she looks at Tia, "I'm finally ready for my date." It's about 4:45 and it takes about a hour to get to the arcade. "You better get going if you wanna beat traffic." She nods and grabs her purse before heading out the front door. "So what do you say to a spa day?" Tia shows me this new spa that opened up in the mall and I happily agree. I run upstairs and throw on some black yoga pants, a black shirt and Donny's jacket. I love the way he smells, evergreens and laundry detergent. I slide on my brown moccasins and grab my purse and car keys. I go wait downstairs for Tia because she jumped in the shower.

As I'm in the kitchen eating a pickle I hear a knock on the back door. I slowly walk over to it and peek from the curtains. I see Donny standing outside so I quickly let him in. "Hey." He smiles at me and I smile back. "Thanks for the jacket." He stares at me as I spin around. "You look good in it." He compliments me and my heart speeds up. "Where are you going?" He steps closer to me and I feel my body ignite. "To the spa with Tia." His hands grip my waist and I can't think straight. I shake my head and remind myself that he's my best friend. His face looks hurt for a second but the expression quickly changes. "Meet me here at 7? So we can finally sit down and talk?" He nods and I give him a hug. He places a kiss on my forehead before leaving out the way he came.

Tia bounds into the kitchen wearing a oversized hoodie and red leggings. "Ready?" I ask her and she nods. We both jump into my car and make the quick drive to the mall. Once we get there, we head straight to the spa area and get checked in. I get a seaweed wrap and a full body massage. There's chakra bowls playing in the background and I just feel very at peace. Once my massage was done I quickly dressed and met Tia out in the lobby. "That was amazing." We say at the same time. Tia pays for both of us and I thank her. We stop at steaknshake on the way back to my house. Once we get there I help Tia gather her things so she can go home. As she drags her duffel bag downstairs I put all of Sophia's things away and carry her bag downstairs for Tia.

I hear Tia laughing in the kitchen so I make my way to her. I hear another voice in there with her and stop to listen. "Donny that's honestly one of the funniest stories I've heard in a while." Donny's here? I walk around the corner and into the kitchen. I see Donny sitting on the counter with a smile on his face. "When did you get here?" I frown at him. "Tia let me in." I turn to Tia who has a sly smile on her face. "See ya later Hails." She kisses my cheeks then makes her way out the front door. The minute I'm alone with Donny I get nervous. I don't know why it's like this, it was never like this before. I frown to myself and I feel Donny wrap his arms around me. "What's wrong?" I shrug his arms off and make my way to the living room. I plop down in my lazy boy and sigh when he follows me and sits on the couch.

"Well?" He stares at me and I roll my eyes. "Donny..." he shakes his head and then looks at the floor. "I don't know where I went but I know where I've been and where I go." His words confuse me. "The place I reside isn't here on this earth." When he says that I begin to think he's high. "Donny are you being serious?" He looks at me and the emotions in them make me believe him. "Okay keep going.." "the night we got in trouble the last thing I remember is my dad slapping me across the face." My hand flys up to my cheek at the same time his does and my eyes widen. "I saw that." I say to myself but he heard me. "What?" I shake my head and repeat what I said. "I saw that. I felt it, this morning as I was laying on the couch I thought I had fallen asleep and been sucked into a dream." He tilts his head and still says nothing. "That was your memory. I saw inside your head.." his eyes light up.

"Finally. You're doing it!" He says to me. I shake my head and pull my hair. "Donny what are you talking about?!" I look at the floor and then back up but he's gone. As usual, he just disappears without saying anything.

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