Chapter three

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His eyes light up and I lean against a tree because I feel a bit nauseous. He doesn't say anything as he continues to stare at me from where he was standing. I take a deep breath and make my way over to him. "Donny is that really you?" I can feel tears threatening to fall. His chest rises and falls faster as I get closer. "Dammit say something. 5 years and all you can do is stand there like a idiot?!" I grab his jacket and his scent fills my nose. I shiver and look up at him. "Hi Hailey."

His voice fills my ears and I can't stop the tears as they spill out of my eyes. "No don't cry." He quickly wipes the tears away and I can't help myself as I turn my head into his hand. "I thought I'd never see you again." I look up at him and he smiles down at me. "I could never stay away from my storm." The nickname he gave me back in first grade makes me smile. "What are you doing here?" I look around the cemetery and notice the sun has gone down. I look at my watch and notice it's almost 7:30. "Visiting my dad." He looks down at the headstone and I gasp. "I'm sorry." I say like a idiot. My phone rings before he answers and I excuse myself from the conversation. "Yea?" Tias voice fills my ear. "Finally! I called like 13 times." I cringe and apologize. "I'm sorry I'm heading back now." She says okay then hangs up. I turn back to Donny but he's not there anymore. A emptiness fills my heart and I frown.

As I drive back to my house I think about what happened at the cemetery. Donny is really here, he's back! I smile and quickly pull into the driveway. I rush inside and the twins jump off the couch. "We were worried!" Sophia tells me as they both hug me. "I'm sorry I got carried away." They let go and nod. "It's okay now go shower! So we can all come down in our costumes together!" Tia pushes me towards the stairs and I run off with a laugh. I quickly jump in the shower and wash my body. I wet my hair so it's easier to style and hop out. I detangle my hair and separate it half up half down. I put the bottom half into a braid so it's out of the way.

I part my hair down the middle and braid the top half of my hair in two braids. I wrap a ponytail around them and let them unravel. My curls instantly taking shape, I let down the bottom half and nod to myself. I walk into my room and find the twins sitting on my bed in robes. "I'm here." They turn to me excitedly and I see my costume on my bed. I throw it on then some lotion and perfume. I let Sophia do my makeup and I actually love it. There purple eyeshadow with silver in the corners and I had on a sparkly lipgloss to match the eyeliner. "Now I'm living for this." I say as I turn to Tia. Sophia smiles and snaps a picture. "I have to admit, you look so good." Tia says as she walks around me taking in the full affect.

"I'm jealous." I say as I look at her blue fairy costume. It hugs her curves perfectly and her long orange hair is pinned up with a Chinese bang. She had light blue eyeshadow on with a pink lipstick. Sophias classic white eyeshadow with black eyeliner was giving me sexy vibes. We all posed in front of my mirror and I snapped our picture. We make our way downstairs and I smile at the fog filling my house. I greet the dj and let him set up in the living room seeing's s how that's where the loudest speakers were. As I walk around checking the last few details the doorbell rings. The twins greet whoever is at the door and I make my way over. It's Lex and her boyfriend. Behind them are the other frat boys and girls from our school.

"Come on in." I smile and everyone starts to shuffle inside. They look around in awe at the amount of effort put into this party. "Now this is a Halloween party." I smile and let everybody drift off into their own space. I run to the kitchen and shut off all the lights then flip the switch to turn on the Halloween lights. I hear the gasps from the six people in the house and giggle to myself. I hear the doorbell again and make my way to the front door. Sophia opens the door and I greet the football team, they came dressed as zombies and I had to say it looked pretty good. "Come in guys." As they shuffled in they complimented my decor and Jackson, the quarterback, handed me a black bag. "I didn't want to be disrespectful so I'll just give you the alcohol." I let out a giggle and he smiles at me. "Wanna help me?" He nods and follows me into the kitchen.

I pull out the giant bowl I use for punch and look over at Jackson. "I bought pineapple ciroq and fruit punch. There also a sprite and some fruit in there." He pulls the items out of the bag as he goes along and I slowly start adding the contents into the giant bowl. I take a sip and smile, I give Jackson some and he winks at me. "That's good." I nod in agreement and grab each of us a cup. Music starts to blast through the house and I can't help as my body moves along with it. Jackson walks me back into the living room and I wait for more guests to arrive.

There's over 500 people in my house right now and I'm glad I locked the doors. I don't want people having sex and breaking things tonight. The twins walk over to me with a red cup and hand it to me. "Coke and run." Sophia laughs sneakily and I smile. "Mixing light and dark huh? You two are playing a evil game." I sip the drink they gave me and smile. "That's good, I wish there was pineapple." Tia brings her hands from behind her back and presents me with a tray of pineapple. "Devilish pair." I laugh and grab a pineapple. The doorbell goes off and I let Tia answer it. Jackson snakes his arm around my shoulders and I sway lightly to the music.

As I sip my drink and talk to Jackson I look around at everyone enjoying themselves. Sophia is talking to one of her chem partners and Tia is setting the pineapple on the table. "I put a spell on you" comes on and I excuse myself from Jackson to go to the dance floor. He leans against the wall and watches me move to the beat. A few other girls join me and it turns into a group thing. As I dance around the group I pull more people in so they can catch the groove.

His smell hits my nose before I see him. His arm connects with my waist and I connect with a hard chest. I take a deep breath before looking up at Donny. "How did you know to come here?" I question him and he smiles shyly. "Word around town was you were throwing a party. Good thing I came huh?" His eyes sparkle and soon he's the only thing I'm focused on. My senses were full of him and I was sure I forgot how to breath. A hand grabs my shoulder and the trance like feeling breaks. "Hailey, let's do a boys vs girls dance off!" It's Sophia and she jumps up and down like a child. "Okay give me a second." She looks at Donny but doesn't recognize him. "Your friend can be lead dancer for the boys then." She pulls the both of us to the dance floor and I let out a nervous breath. Here we go...

A Ghostly LoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum