Chapter thirty one

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*Three months later*

As I walk across the stage my heart flips. I really made it after four years of back and forth. The principal hands me my diploma and then we pose for a picture. "Great job Hailey." I nod my head at her in thanks. I join the twins in the crowd and wait for the last person to be called up. "This has been a tough year for all of you. I hope you guys make the best of the rest of your lives." The crowd erupts into cheers and I hug the twins.

"We did it bitches!" They do a shimmy with me before we go find Stanley and Jarell. The pair are of course waiting by the chocolate covered strawberries put out for the guests. "Well how does it feel to finally be free from responsibility?" Stanley hands us his flask. "It's bourbon." He winks and Tia being the girl she is, take the first shot. "Wheewww that's smooth." She hands it to me and I take mine before handing it off to Sophia. "So who's ready for a summer of fun before we all have to get jobs?" We cheer in unison. "Okay since we're leaving tomorrow let's meet at my house because I have something to show you guys anyway!" They agree. We decide that Stanley will drop and pick up the twins.

Jarell who has been packed for this trip since we planned it about a month ago. As he drives us back to my house I check the camera I have set up to keep a eye on Acadia while I'm gone. She's asleep in her bed. "So you're sure Myra and Seray are okay with keeping Acadia over the summer?" We've decided that Myra will watch her the first half of the summer and then Seray will watch her the second half. I met Seray about a month after Jarell told me about her. Our energy clicked almost instantly, she's become a sister to me.

"Yes mama, you can call them when you get home." He smiles at me then pulls into my driveway. "No no it's fine." We walk inside and Acadia comes bounding down the stairs to greet us. "Hey baby." I squat down and she licks my face. She follows me into the kitchen and waits for her bone. I give it to her and she runs to the den to enjoy her treat. I grab the fruit bowl from the fridge and two bottles of water.

I follow Jarell up to my room and allow him to pull out my first few outfits for our trip. "I bought you the rest of the stuff you'll need. I hope you don't mind." He sheepishly turns with my full suitcase. "Baby why would you do that? I already have too many clothes." He plucks a grape out of the bowl. "So what? You're getting a new house in three months. Bigger than this 7 bedroom mansion you already have." I roll my eyes at him. "Yea because you insisted I get more space so we could know down a few walls and make it more spacious." He shrugs like it's no big deal.

"It's only a few thousand to renovate." He's absolutely crazy. "You won't even move in with me." I pout. "You haven't asked me too. Just because I'm providing the house doesn't mean I'm automatically obligated to join you." I roll my eyes once more before turning to stare at myself in the mirror. My brown skin glows back at me, my hair wild and my eyes bright. A small smile coves my face.

"You're beautiful." Jarell kisses my neck as he compliments me. "Thank you." He picks me up from the chair and pins me against the wall. His lips find mine. The kiss is full of want. His swollen lips travel down my neck leaving love bites as he goes. I let out a moan and I can hear his breath catch in his throat. He removes my shirt then pins my hands above me. He runs himself against me and I can't help the moan that leaves my mouth. "Don't be stingy." He smiles at me before dropping me to my feet and making his way down my breast.

His warm tongue flicks across my nipple making me shiver. The feeling of his mouth on me drives me blind with want. He drags his tongue down my stomach and then pulls my pants down. Good thing I went commando. He lifts one of my legs and softly blows on me. His tongue working magic as he moved it in circular motions against me before slipping it inside making me gasp. "Fuck." I can feel my legs start to shake and I know I'm close. Jarell lifts my other leg up making everything feel so much better.

I look down at the man below me, his hazel eyes catch eye contact and for some reason I can't look away. Even as my orgasm takes over me my eyes never leave his. He carried me over to the bed and gently sets me down. He removes his pants and then positions himself at my entrance. He slowly slides into me, the feeling of him entering me causes my back to arch. "Mm don't do that." He whispers in my ear. He slowly pumps in and out of me. He pulls out and flips me over.

He slams into me from behind and I don't fight the loud moan that leaves my mouth. He repeats this motion over and over brining me closer with each stroke. "Don't cum." He pulls out of me and then lays on the bed. I climb on top of him and slowly start to ride him. Once I find my momentum I let myself do the damn thang. The low moans coming from Jarell make me want to please him forever. His hands grip my hips and I know he's close. I slow down a little as his hands grip my boobs. "Stormy.."y name falls from his mouth and I'm done for. I can feel my body start to shake as he slams into me one last time.

As I enjoy my high from sex Jarell gets up and heads to the bathroom. "I'm so excited we decided to do this." I call out to him as I grab a towel so I can hop in the shower. "I know. Jamaica here we come!" I smile to myself as I get in the shower. This summers gonna be great I know it.

Wowwwww we are finally done!! If you stuck it out then I appreciate you so much. This story was very fun for me to write. I have a few ideas that I'm gonna work on and hopefully put out soon. I love you guys!!

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