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"Dammit Donny! I shouldn't have listened to you. Now look where we are, my moms gonna kill me." My bestfriend of 10 years looked at me with a sad expression on his face. I paced back and forth in the holding cell, in some town called Durbyville. "Hailey I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to go that far..." he steps in front of me and places his hands on my shoulders. I roll my eyes and look at the floor. "You always say that." I shrug his hands off of me and take a seat on the cold bench. "I'm fricking 13 and sitting in the middle of a jail cell. Oh my fuck." I say aloud. Donny cringes and I start to laugh. I think I'm going mad. There's no way in hell i should be sitting here right now.

"Well are you just gonna stand there like a sick little child the whole time?" I ask him after I'm done laughing. He slowly walks over to the bench and takes a seat. "Hailey I mean it." I look over at him and sigh. "I know. Sorry I'm being such a bitch." He scoots closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Its okay. I'm worried about how my dads going to react though." My heart fills with hatred for the man Donny calls his father. I'm the only one who knows about the abuse he goes through at home. Everyone's so oblivious to it and it angers me but I promised Donny i wouldn't say anything.
A officer stands in front of the door with my mother behind him. She has a kind face but i can tell shes fuming. "Lets go you two now." Donny leads us out and we follow behind my mother. His hand entangles mine and a small smile takes over my face. Before we get in the car, my mom turns to us and takes a deep breath. "I know you kids didn't start the fire so please, tell me the truth."

Donny looks at me and I at him. I already know she wont believe me when i tell her it was a polterguist so i opp for a lie. "There were these homeless men that got scared when we walked in and one dropped the oil lamp he was holding." Relief covers her face and she smiles. "Oh thank heavens." The three of us get in the car and make the 45 minute drive back to Katy, our small little town. The whole way back I don't let go of Donny's hand. When we pull u in front of his house my body goes cold. "His father is standing on the porch waiting. "Hello Mr. Rogers." My mom calls out and waves to him. He smiles back at her and gives he a wave. "Thank you Jo'anne. Come on son." Donny looks at me with a smile before exiting the car and walking up the porch, into the house. We pull off and i feel like half of my heart is being ripped out of my chest.

The drive home that  night left me cold and sad. Not even my fluffy yellow blanket could cheer me up. I went to sleep with a ache in my heart not knowing what was causing it.

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