Chapter twenty five

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When I wake up for school I silently scream because it means I have to leave the warmth of Jarells arms. I try not to wake him up as I crawl out of bed, he rolls onto his back and I freeze. When he doesn't move I make my way to my bathroom and take a quick shower. Walking back into my room I can see Jarell sitting up against my headboard. "Goodmorning beautiful." He holds his arms out and I gladly pad across the floor to him.

"I don't wanna go." He smiles then kisses my forehead. "It's okay I'll be there after school to hang out with you and the twins. I have work today." He stands and I walk him to my bedroom door. He kisses me before disappearing down the stairs out the front door. I grab my phone off the dresser and immediately text the group chat.
Tia: YES I KNEW IT!! you guys did the deed again didn't you?!
Sophia: wait what do you mean again?!
Tia: oops sorry Storm
Me: I'll tell you when I pick you guys up! See you in 25.
I grab my favorite pair of ripped jeans, a black crop top tank and a green button up. I grab my black and green jordan 1s and my favorite gold chain. I sit in front of my vanity and apply this sparkly green eye shadow then follow it with some eyeliner. I put on my lashes and then some lipgloss. I grab my car keys, my purse and my backpack then race downstairs to say bye to Nancy.

"I'm going to need two weeks off Hailey.." her usual cheery mood is gone. "Of course! Are you okay?" A tear falls from her eye and I go to hug her. "Yes I'm fine dear, my ex husband has just passed and his mother invited me to the funeral. It's out of town." She pulls away and wipes her face with her hanky. "You can leave as soon as you're ready. I'll be okay here. If you're gone by the time I get home from school I love you." I rush out the door and hop into my car. I feel for Nancy, loss of someone you love isn't easy.

When I arrive at the twins house they are already waiting for me outside. They hop in the car and just stare at me. "What?" Sophia grabs my arm. "Spill girl what they'll do you mean what." I laugh before telling them about last night. "After our night out I didn't want him to leave so I asked him to come inside and smoke with me." The twins looks at each other then back at me. "He ended up spending the night, but he said he'll be at the school to hang out with us after." Smiles cover the girls faces and I can't tell if they are good or bad. "Ugh this is so cute. My booboo all in love." Tia teases from the back.

I start the drive to school but decide to take a detour and go grab some breakfast. "You guys want anything from here?" "Yes can I get a bacon egg and cheese bagel and a medium tropical berry lemonade?" Sophia's asks. I happily add that to my order than look back at Tia. "Just a berry lemonade." I tell the lady through the intercom and she gives me my total. When I get to the window I realize the girl I was talking to was none other than Katie Greens sister. I don't say anything as I hand her my card, she looks at me once and then again like she can't believe that she was looking at me.

"Hey your Hailey right?" With a stiff nod I take my card back. "I'm sorry about what my sister did, I told her it wasn't cool but you know teenagers." Her apology made me feel better about the whole Katie and Donny situation. "Thanks!" She hands me the food and then I drive off. "Well that wasn't awkward at all." Sophia says sarcastically. "I don't know what I'm going to do about Donny, he hasn't shown me that he cares like he says." The twins share another look with each other. "Will you two stop that? What do you know that I don't?" Tia sighs, "It's not that we know something, which we don't, it's just that... we feel like you deserve better."

Tias words upset me but I know she's right, Donny used me pretty much. Who's to say it won't happen again? I don't want that kind of embarrassment. "Up until a few weeks ago I wanted Donny to leave Katie and come running back to me. I wanted him to love me the way I still love him but he doesn't. Jarell has definitely helped with the sadness from the situation. I kinda feel guilty because when I'm with him I forget all about Donny and how he hurt me.." Sophia side hugs me as I pull into my parking spot at school.

"You know whatever you do we'll support but if Jarell makes you feel better and treats you good, why even consider Donny as a option at this point?" Tia asks as we walk into school. "Because I still love him, It's like... the good guy I know is still in there." We get to my locker but that's when everything goes black.

When I come to I'm in the other side but it doesn't feel the same way as it did when I was in Donny's memory, it feels cold. I call out for Ray, Donnies buddy from the other side, I get no response. "That's weird." I start to walk around trying to find anyone really. "Didn't I tell you you wouldn't have the boy?" The dark voice fills my ears again and the night at the cemetery fills my memory. "What the hell do you want from me?" The once grey area becomes black as the figure stands in front of me. "You thought you could bring him back with no consequences? You think you can just replace people's memories with ones that don't actually exsit?!"

The loudness of the voice hurts my ears, I cover them but the voice just gets louder. "He shouldn't be there! He belongs with me!" The darkness is replaced with bright lights. I can hear beeping and hushed voices talking to one another. I open my eyes and realize I'm in a hospital room. I sit up with a groan causing the voices to stop talking. "I thought you died!" Tia says as she grabs my hand. Sophia and Jarell are standing on the other side of my bed. The door swings open and Stanley comes running in the room like he's lost his mind. "Is she- oh your awake!" He stands beside Tia and hands me a teddy bear.

"What happened?" I look at Tia so she can give me the straight up answer. "We were talking to you one moment and the next you were on the floor not responding." A frown covers my face. What the hell is happening? Fear takes over but I don't let the emotion show on my face because I don't want everyone asking questions. I need to talk to Donny.

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