Chapter ten

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The darkness begins to shift and a dream replaces the blank canvas in my head. Before I know it I'm back in Donny's house, I'm on the floor and his father in sitting in the chair watching me.

"Good thing your up boy. I wasn't done with your punishment." His large figure stalks towards me and I try to move but I'm too weak. "Please don't." I manage to whisper. His large hands wrap around my throat and I scratch at his arms. He bangs my head against the floor again and again. My vision goes blurry and the sting of a slap followed by a blow to my stomach cause me to fall limp. I lay there feeling nothing at all.
Before long Ray comes into my line of vision and I let out a shudder at finally being able to breath again.

The darkness fades away and I'm greeted by sunlight. I sigh and roll over so my back is facing the window. I pull the blanket over my head and let out a groan because I have to go to school today. As I get ready my mind drifts to the dream I was having. The feeling of Mr. Rodgers hands around my neck cause me to shutter. I quickly brush my teeth before I slip on a white track suit and some pink vans. I leave my hair down and quickly grab my bag. I shoot a text to the twins letting them know I'm picking them up and they respond with a ok. I look in the fridge and grab a yogurt then rush out to my car. I type the twins address into the gps and let the car drive as I eat my yogurt.

When I pull up to the twins house they bound to the car and their preppy energy makes me feel exhausted for some reason. They notice my lack of energy and Tia is the first to speak. "Are you okay?" She places a hand on my shoulder and I shrug. "I just feel empty, drained." Sophia kisses my cheek then leans back. "We'll do you want to do something today?" I shake my head and start the drive to school.

"I'll see you guys after school okay?" I leave the twins at their lockers and make my way to my first period. I plop down into my seat and lay my head down on my desk. The sound of people coming through the door made me sit up so I can focus when the teacher walks in. When Donny walks in behind some other students I look away and stare out the window. He sits next to me and I continue to ignore him, I don't know what's going on with me today. I feel him staring at me but I look up at the teacher and start taking notes.

By the end of class my head is pounding and every time Donny tried to talk to me I would just ignore him. I tiredly trudge to my locker and throw my books inside, I make the decision to gather my work and go home for the day. Once I'm done I make my way to my car. I hear footsteps behind me and so I decide to see who else wasn't in class. Donny wasn't far behind me but he was keeping his distance and I sigh. I keep walking until I reach my car, then I wait for him to catch up.

"What's wrong with you storm?" I feel his hand on my shoulder and I turn to him. "Nothing. I just have a headache." I shrug and he looks as if he doesn't believe me. "Well where ever you're going im going too." He walks around the passenger side and waits for me to unlock the doors. I do and he slips inside, I climb in as well and we just sit in the parked car for twenty minutes. I turn to Donny and as I stare at him I feel myself start to cry. He hears me and places his hand under my chin. "Don't cry baby.." he pulls me over the center council and scoots his seat back. We stay like that, me cradled in his arms, for a while. Once I'm done I crawl back into the driver seat and start the drive to my favorite burger shack. You know the same place I went with Nancy.

"Donny..." I feel him look at me and I take a deep breath. "I think I know what happened." His body goes rigid and the atmosphere changes. "Tell me." His voice is tense but the hand he placed on my thigh remains in place. "Okay well, I woke up back in your house, your dad had you on the floor choking you. Then he started.." I go silent because I don't think I can bring myself to say it. I can feel his hand tighten on my thigh and I take a deep breath and shake away the nerves. "He started banging your head against the ground, then he kicked you and slapped you then everything went dark." We stop at a light and I take the chance to look at him.

The way the sun shines in from his window and casts a shadow over his face makes him look mysterious. Like a angle with a dark past... my subconscious adds and I agree. I turn back just in time to see the light turn green and I continue the drive to the burger shack. He doesn't say anything until we reach the restaurant. "That's sick... how could a man do that to his own son? His creation?" The sadness in his voice makes me shudder. I place my hand on the back of his neck and massage the lower part of his scalp.

"What do you do now?" He shakes his head then gets out of the car. He runs around to my door and opens it for me. "Such a gentleman." He smirks and my heart skips a beat. He leads us inside and the waitress leads us to my favorite table, per my request. "So what's good here mama?" My eyes shoot up and I see him staring at me. A blush takes over my face and I look back at the menu to recommend something he should try. A devious smile covers my face and I snatch his menu before he gets a chance to look it over.

I flag the waitress down and she quickly comes over to our table. "Yes?" She grabs her notepad and I begin to give her our order. "One ghost pepper burger and one double Texas Roadhouse burger please. Coke for him and a rootbeer for me." She quickly writes down the order then grabs the menus and scurrys off. Donny is staring at me all weird so I raise my eyebrow. "What I'm sams hell is a ghost pepper burger?" A smile takes over my face and he leans back against the booth. "You'll see."

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