16. My Romeo

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The carriage stops at the hotel you were once in.
You are sleeping; your head is resting on Bonaparte's shoulder.
Tiny drops of water can be spotted on the carriage's windows.
Napoleon doesn't wake you up, instead, he grabs you gently, trying his best not to wake you with sudden movements, and places you on his lap.

A Marshal opens the door, and Bonaparte gets out quickly.
He rushes into the hotel whilst carrying you like a bride.
As he entered it, he immediately tells everyone near him, in an almost whisper tone, not to talk loudly, as he didn't want anyone disturbing you.
Despite everyone's best efforts to talk quietly, you manage to wake up but you are still very sleepy.

Hotel's Receptionist: "I don't have room for all these people, my Emperor."

Napoleon: "How many?"

Hotel's Receptionist: "Only four rooms left. All of them with single beds."

This was rather awkward since about nine people were surrounding you.
It was agreed that the Marshals and the Emperor should take the rooms, the soldiers would have to sleep in the lobby.
The receptionist gives you a sharp look.

Hotel's Receptionist: "What about the lady?" Bonaparte finally notices that you are awake.

Napoleon: "Y/N! Go back to sleep, it's late chérie." (darling.)

A Marshal spoke right after Napoleon, giving you no time to speak.
???: "She joins the soldiers, of course!" He replies to the receptionist.

Napoleon: "Pardon, Jacques?" Asked Napoleon in french.

Jacques: "The lady, my Emperor. There are no rooms left for her."

Napoleon: "She will sleep in my room."

Jacques: "With all due respect, my Emperor. That's a bit unethical, wouldn't you agree?"

Napoleon: "Non." (No.)

Jacques: "Surely you can see that an Emperor such as yourself and a poor lady such as her couldn't spend the night together in such a small room, in such a small...bed."

Oudinot intervenes.
Nicolas: "And surely you can see that the Emperor doesn't have to put up with nosy Marshals such as yourself."

Another Marshal steps in.
???: "Stop it, Nicolas! We all know this isn't good publicity. This is a public hotel."

Jacques: "It is indeed. My Emperor, please think of the gossip that can generate from such a simple thing."

???: "Can you imagine if the French people started saying 'I can not believe Napoleon Bonaparte has been sleeping around with such a girl!'. Surely you can understand us, sir."

Jacques: "We only seek to protect your image. She needs to sleep in the lobby."

The Emperor pauses and thinks for a minute.
He is looking away; his eyes are focused on a clock that is placed near a wall far away from where he stands.
You use this time to admire his wondering face. A man with a determined look; determined to keep you tonight, but knows that he won't be able to.

Napoleon: "D'accord." (Okay.)

Jacques: "Good. I'll go tell the soldiers to come-"

Bonaparte interrupts the Marshal.
Napoleon: "But she won't sleep in the lobby."

Jacques: "My Emperor! There are no rooms left!"

Napoleon: "Yes there are. She will use your room, Jacques."

Jacques: "But! My Emperor!"

Napoleon: "You sleep in the lobby with the soldiers."

Bonaparte turns his head away from the previous conversation and locks his eyes on yours.
Napoleon: "Chérie...I'll carry you to your room." (Darling...) He gives you a soft smile.

You are too sleepy to fully understand what is going on but seeing him smile makes you happy, so you smile back at him.
The receptionist gives him two bedroom keys, one for the Emperor and the other one for you.
As he is carrying you upstairs, you can hear Oudinot talking with Jacques near the hotel's entrance, trying to calm him down.
Bonaparte reaches your room, which has the number thirty written on the door. This room was on the highest floor.

Napoleon opens the door, checks the room, and places you gently on the small bed.
He takes off your boots and covers your body with the bedsheets, tucking you in.
You slip your hand from under the sheets and grab his hand.
With a curious mind, he asks you-

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