5. Beautiful Palace

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The carriage abruptly stops, interrupting you two kissing.
Napoleon opens his eyes and raises his eyebrows while looking at you, waiting for your permission to continue what the carriage stopped.
You start giggling, mostly because of the thought of the carriage itself breaking the kiss. It wasn't you or Napoleon.
Bonaparte isn't sure what you are giggling about but smiles back at you, seeing your beautiful smile can make any person happy.

You hear a voice outside saying "Nous sommes arrivés, mon Empereur!" (We have arrived, my Emperor!)
He doesn't react for a few seconds, it looks likes you hypnotized him; as he hypnotized you when you first met him.
His beautiful gray-blue eyes finally search the window on his left, making sure he is at the right location.
He looks over at the soldier and nods at him.

The soldier opens the carriage door and Napoleon gets out, leaving his hat and greatcoat inside.
Both of them look over at you, while you are still inside the carriage, and the soldier politely reaches his hand out, waiting for you to grab it and get out.
Napoleon sees this and also extends his hand.
Suddenly the soldier puts his hand behind his back and looks over at Bonaparte. It seems like Napoleon had never done this to anyone else.
You grab Bonaparte's hand and, while looking at him, you get out.

Another soldier appears and he gets off his horse. He reaches inside the carriage; grabbing Napoleon's greatcoat and hat. He waits for the Emperor to move so he can follow him with his belongings.
The others leave the place, along with the carriage.

This eye contact between you and Napoleon is soon broken when you finally look behind him. It's his Palace.
You're not even sure what to think of it, your own thoughts stay silent; it's just so beautiful and enormous.
You notice the garden outside, the green color gently kisses your eyes; it looks like it's really well taken care of.
Napoleon could tell that you've never seen a Palace in person. While grabbing your hand, he starts to slowly move towards the big doors of this Palace.
You could feel both your own excitement to enter, but also his excitement to show you around.

Napoleon: "This is the Palace where I have been spending most of my time. I have other Palaces, even some I have never visited."

Y/N: "Well...This is not the most impressive thing I've seen." You pause and look at him, blushing.

Y/N: "That would be you."

When you finished this sentence, he stops and smiles at you.
He looks at the sky and so do you. You both notice that it's getting darker.
He suddenly places one of his arms around your back and the other arm around the bend in your knees and lifts you up like a bride.
All the soldiers look over in awe.
This must be the first time Bonaparte shows such affection to someone in public, and you don't mind it at all!

Napoleon: "Come, Y/N. The first thing I want to show you is the bedroom!" While holding you in his arms, his feet start to walk faster. Happily surprised with this gesture, you chuckle quietly.

You hug him with both of your arms, gently squeezing him.
You rest your head on his shoulder and you begin to whisper: "Are you keeping me company tonight?"

Napoleon: "I will always keep you company as long as you want me to, ma chérie..." (my darling...)
He whispers.

You give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Y/N: "This is what you get for being sexy and handsome all the time." While beginning to blush, you use your face to dig into his neck just so you could hide the pink color of your cheeks. However, he can feel your face getting warmer by the second.

Without being able to control his smile, he hurries up to the Palace and finally reaches it.
Guards open the doors and Bonaparte is instantly greeted by servants.
The soldier, carrying Bonaparte's belongings, gives the Emperor's hat and greatcoat to one of the servants and begins to talk to some of them.
Napoleon gently places you down so you can look around freely. The doors close behind you.

You notice right away that almost everything is covered in gold or red cloth.
The chandeliers light the rooms in a majestic way, inviting you to stay and never leave.
Paintings can be seen on almost every wall, either of Napoleon's battles and achievements or the most current popular paintings in France.
It is so luxurious, you've never seen anything like it.

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