20. Final Thoughts

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As a side little note, as you are reading this chapter, you may find the following letters: H/N.
These letters simply mean His Name, in which case, it is a name that you can attribute to your own liking!


A few days go by, and you start feeling more uneasy about the whereabouts of the emperor, of your love. However, the ladies guarding your beauty were assuring you that everything would turn out to be just fine and that a pretty girl, such as yourself, should look after her child once it's born.

You understand their kindness, and so you often smile at them, even when there are only worries on your mind.

Suddenly, you hear screams outside the palace.

Not just ordinary screams, oh no, victory screams! French people are cheering outside, you can pick up a bit of the French and they are cheering about...onions? (This is a reference to "Chanson de l'Oignon" sang by the French)

"Well, it doesn't matter!" You think to yourself.

Your heart was beating not for onions, but for the father of the child that you carried with love.

You ran through the palace, as fast as you could with your bare feet on the cold floor. The ladies that were once guarding you, felt no more the need to do so and for that they watched you run towards the big entrance door with a relieved smile on their faces.

Soon you spot briefly, through a window, Pierre yelling at the French people. 

Pierre: "WE HAVE DONE IT!"

He was waving his hat back and forth while sitting on his horse. Yelling and smiling away!

You opened the doors by yourself and looked at Pierre, then at the crowd, trying to spot Napoleon.

Y/N: "Napoleon?" Your voice is shaking.

Y/N: "WHERE ARE YOU?" You scream, looking for an answer.

From the crowd, he emerged. There he was, finally, on his beautiful white horse. He started to wave his hat at you and exclaimed the following.

Napoleon: "Here I am... ma petite Y/N!" (my little Y/N!)

Tears start dropping from your beautiful eyes to your cheeks, and as you are crying, you soon rush towards him. Your arms extended as if you were awaiting a prolonged hug from someone dearly missed.

He notices this, and a tear drops from the corner of his eyes too. He gets off the horse, and also extends his arms just like you, waiting for you to meet him.

For this moment, the crowd was silent, not because they were curious about you two. No no, you just stopped listening to it, like your ears shut down for a brief moment, only with him on your mind, his face deflecting the sunlight, his warm smile meeting your loneliness, and his lips soon to meet yours.

After reaching him, you hugged him with so much strength that for a second you worried that you could've broken one of his ribs! But that thought soon vanished when he laughed and hugged you back even harder. You start kissing his face briefly, from the chin to the forehead, from his left ear to his right one.

Napoleon: "Haha! Chérie! Chérie!" (Darling! Darling!) He says while laughing and getting absolutely destroyed with kisses.

Napoleon: "Did you miss me this much?"

You stop abruptly with your kisses, as you look at him with squinted eyes. Thinking to yourself, is he serious? Of course you missed him!

Napoleon: "Aww don't look at me like that, chérie! You see, it was only an excuse for me to finally kiss you back!"

And so he does, filling your warm face with even warmer kisses, his lips pressing gently against your face, making sure he won't hurt you. But even so, you press your own face against his lips, indirectly telling him to kiss you as much as he would fancy!

Suddenly, you can hear the crowd again, and so you ask him if you two could make it inside the palace, where both could have a chance to be together more privately. He agrees to this and, grabs your legs and pulls you up. You are now face to face with him, with your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck. He walks calmly into the palace.

As you can see what's behind the emperor's back, you look at Pierre who is looking back at you as well. He waves his hat, smiles with his open mouth, and winks at you kindly. You smile back at him, and grab Bonaparte's neck tighter to you, while also leaning your head against his.

You smile again, this time to yourself, and think about the following out of the blue,

"If I would die right at this moment, these final thoughts of love and caring, would bring me happiness in the afterlife."

As for this moment, it was the happiest you've been for quite a while, and it was a moment that it would forever be difficult to forget.

As Napoleon reaches the palace doors, one of the ladies exclaims.

???: Tu l'as déjà ramenée? (You brought her back already?) jokingly about the fact that you just set foot out of the palace a few moments ago.

Napoleon: "Vous m'avez tous manqué aussi." (I have missed you all too.) he says while smiling.

Nothing much happened after that, as you decided to stay in his palace, alongside him. He took a small break from all the battles, to make you less anxious and worried about his health and well-being. Pierre was now the most prominent person in charge of the French army, as the emperor Napoleon was waiting to become a father. Waiting for that day was a challenge, not to you specifically, but to him. He was always making sure that you ate properly, that your feet weren't cold, etc. He was very anxious by the following months, but even when he couldn't sleep well during the night, you would turn to him and lay your head on his chest, gently touch his chest with your soft warm hands, trying your best to calm him down a bit and it worked!

As the big day came, you gave birth to a beautiful boy, giving him the name of H/N Bonaparte. One Napoleon was already enough, you think to yourself. Although it is in fact a pretty name, just like your own.

This boy would become the next emperor, the one to follow in his father's footsteps and perhaps to find his own caring love. As he reached nine years of age, his intellect and fierceness were obvious to the outsiders observing him. But by any means, it was not his whole personality, as H/N was in fact much closer to you in terms of kindness. He never judged one by their belongings but by their attitude.

And as you told him many times,

he should always be looking for caring love.

he should always be looking for caring love

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