13. Wear His Boots

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It's around 3 am.
You feel cold, so you wake up shivering.
Rubbing your eyes, you look to your left to see if Bonaparte was awake too.
He wasn't there, maybe that's why you are so cold.

Everything is so quiet and peaceful, but for some reason, you don't feel safe.
You decide to get out of bed and look for your man.
Getting out of the tent, the cold night soon greets you.
You go inside the tent again to grab something to warm you up.

Spotting Bonaparte's greatcoat, you put it on.
The greatcoat fits you just right, lengthwise.
It makes you feel safer too; you can smell his cologne on it, so it feels like he's present.
Finally finding the courage to go out again, you place your tiny feet on the rough grass outside.

You start walking in a random direction.
The eyes placed on your head spot someone who resembles Napoleon, in the distance, so you ran towards it.
Arriving there, you now notice that it wasn't Napoleon. It wasn't even a human figure.
Just boxes and some guns placed on top of each other, with a hat laying on the very top.

Not having night vision can be tricky, so you decide to look for a candle that would assist you.
You find one on a table; its light is almost gone but it's better than relying just on your eyes.
Your cold hands touch the candle; it warms them up almost instantly.
A noise is heard behind a tent close to you.
The curious cat living inside your body decides to take a look at what's causing the noise.

It's Lucien and Josephine talking to each other.
Without wanting them to notice you, you decide to blow on the candle so they don't see the light emitting from it.
Lucien is talking about you; How you are, how you look, what's your role in Napoleon's life.
She's not saying much, just listening closely; like you are, right now.

After he's done talking about you, they decide to continue the conversation tomorrow, at the same time.
You turn around and focus once more on finding Bonaparte.
Since you aren't able to light the candle, you decide to leave it on the ground.
While walking, you also put extra effort into finding another one but you aren't so lucky this time.

It's strange, why would Josephine be so curious about a woman like you.
It should be the other way around, she's the one who Bonaparte loved for many years; you'd definitely like to know what kept him so obsessed over her.
Another noise is soon heard not so far from where you stand.
You immediately recognize the voice; It's Nappy!

You start running towards the sound, but you aren't so easily detected.
Since you are barefooted, no one can hear you running, even at that high speed.
But because of this, you step on something sharp.
It pierces the bottom of your right foot, it's extremely painful that you can't help but yell.

Though even yelling, you try your best to not be so loud so you don't disturb the soldiers resting on the camp.
Napoleon hears you, however, and walks towards you.
At first, he doesn't recognize you from the distance; the night's darkness sure is deceitful.
But looking over at your beautiful figure, and hearing you call for him, he then makes an effort to walk much faster.

Getting on his knees, he looks at your crying face and says-
Napoleon: "Y/N! What happened?!"

Y/N: "My- My foot!" You exclaim loudly and crying.

Bonaparte looks at your foot and he soon spots blood coming out of it.
He looks over at his greatcoat, covering you. He thinks about taking it off from your body and use it to wrap it around your foot, so the bleeding can slow down.
But he soon disposes of this idea, since he doesn't want you to be cold; so, he takes off his high collar shirt and uses it as a bandage instead.
For mere seconds, the pain stopped, as you were looking at his chest, but it soon came back.
His lips reach your cheeks; your tears travel around his mouth.

Napoleon: "What are you doing here? You should be in bed, chérie." (darling.)

Y/N: "I noticed that you weren't there so I decided to look for you..."

Napoleon: "Oh...Y/N... Shall I carry you to bed now?"

You take some time to answer.
You don't really want to go to bed.
Looking at the sky, you spot the moonlight kissing you.
Such a romantic night can't go in vain, you think yourself.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kiss him violently.
Bonaparte soon follows your intentions and grabs you tightly.
His french kissing is amazing, you feel his tongue enter your mouth gently.
His hands move towards your butt and squeezes it.

The bare chest of the man rubs against your shirt; he soon falls on top of you.
You can tell that he's making sure not to touch your foot; scared to hurt you.
He proceeds to unbutton your shirt, to expose your breasts, but he gives up on that idea halfway.
Both of you are outside, someone could see...

While kissing you on your neck, you extend your arms; as if welcoming him to do whatever he wanted to do to you.
Your eyes are now closed, just letting him explore you with his lips and tongue.
Rain greets you both.
He stops and, as a result, you open your eyes and look at him to see what's wrong.

Napoleon: "I don't want you to catch a cold, Y/N. Let's get out of the rain and take care of your foot, d'accord?" (Okay?)

Y/N: "Alright~ Can you carry me?"

Napoleon: "You shall never ask such a thing!"

He immediately stands up but before grabbing you, he starts to take off his boots.
Giving them over to you, he orders you to put them and see if they fit.
You ask why should you do such a thing and he explains that he wants you to get used to boots and shoes; he doesn't want you to get hurt like this again.
Doing what he says, you put his boots on your gentle feet and they seem to fit alright.
He finally grabs you so you don't have to apply pressure onto your recently injured foot.

While carrying you, he starts to walk faster and you notice that he's not making any effort to be quiet.
As he's spotting the tent's entrance, he also hears someone approaching him from behind his back but he chooses to ignore the unknown sound; his attention is fully locked on your well-being.
The unknown person, however, is revealed to be Josephine. She makes sure he notices her by yelling out his name as loud and as intimidating as a tiger's roar.

He stops for a minute and turns around, now facing her.
You place your mouth near his ear and you ask him softly to place you on the ground.
While telling Josephine that you are the one who is in need of his attention, he does what you ask for.
She doesn't seem to care about his words.

Josephine: "I bet she's used to this. Look at her... can't you tell that she's been in this exact situation multiple times?"

Bonaparte looks over at you in a questionable way. You decide that you've had enough of her rude words so you stand up for yourself. Starting by approaching her aggressively; this made your foot hurt but you pretended the pain wasn't there.
Y/N: "What do you mean by that?"

Josephine: "Don't you look at yourself in the mirror?"

Josephine: "Probably not..." She murmurs while exploring your body with her eyes.

Bonaparte notices her last words and so intervenes.
Napoleon: "Pardon?" He says in French. Then he approaches her too and stays still by your side.

Napoleon: "Elle est l'une des plus belles femmes sur lesquelles j'ai jamais posé les yeux!" (She's one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes upon!)

He says this with such manliness and confidence that you can't help but to feel even more attracted to him.
Without saying anything else, he grabs your hand, turns around abruptly, and enters the tent, guiding you with him.
Bonaparte removes his greatcoat, and boots, from you and gently places you on his bed.
His hands are now under your chin, pulling up the sheets and tucking them around you.

Napoleon: "I am sorry, Y/N... I didn't mean to yell like that in front of you."

Y/N: "It's alright, Nappy. I find it quite nice of you to do such a thing."

Napoleon: "I love you very much and some words, when used against you, can enrage me."

Kissing you gently on your lips, he tells you to go back to sleep.
You ask him whether he's gonna join you later at night but his response doesn't give you much hope.
He might not sleep tonight at all, so he apologizes beforehand if tomorrow he's too sleepy around you.
You tell him that he doesn't need to worry; although you love his attention, you can understand his position and the amount of stress and work he has to put up with. Especially the kind of people he has to put up with.
Sometimes you never really know someone until you stand in their boots and walk around in them.

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