17. In The Midst Of Chaos

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At precisely 5:00 am Napoleon wakes up.
He notices your chest calmly raising upwards only to fall down gently. Your serene breathing told him that you were still in a deep sleep.
Thoughts start to race in his head; He wants to be with you until you wake up but he needs to be present in his room in ten minutes.
After debating himself in his mind, he decides it's best to leave you for a few hours.

He gets up from the small hotel bed, trying his best to not wake you up in the process. Then, he quietly dresses himself up.
Kissing you gently on your forehead, he whispers: "Je t'aime beaucoup ma chérie." (I love you very much my darling.)
You unconsciously smile as if even though you were admiring your magical and mysterious dreams, you could still feel his presence politely leaving the room.
Bonaparte smiles back at you, grabs your hand, and kisses it.

A small stone makes contact with the room's window; It's Nicolas.
He signals to the Emperor holding the ladder he used previously to get into the room.
Bonaparte opens the window and faces Nicolas.

Napoleon: "ARRÊTE ÇA!" (STOP THAT!) He says while trying to be as loud as possible to express his anger towards the Marshal but also as quiet as possible to not wake you up.

Napoleon: "She is sleeping!"

Nicolas: "How could I have gotten your attention otherwise, my Emperor? I had to use the rock."

Bonaparte looks at you and notices that nothing changed; you are still sleeping.
Napoleon: "Bien! Aide-moi juste avec l'échelle." (Alright! Just help me with the ladder.)

Oudinot places the ladder on the wall and Bonaparte makes his way out of the room.
Standing now on the ladder, the Emperor looks inside at your resting body.
Napoleon smiles at you and, while admiring you, he loses focus for a few seconds; until Nicolas whispers: "Are you coming or not?" to which Bonaparte replies: "Change de ton avec moi!" (Change your tone when speaking to me!)
The Emperor then goes down the ladder.

You wake up after four hours.
Still being very tired and sleepy, you decide to take your time before opening your eyes.
Noticing that something wasn't right, you take your hand and you use it to start squeezing the sheets next to you, hoping to feel the Emperor's body.
Unfortunately for you, you could not feel anything besides the sheets; he wasn't here.

Now you open your eyes and immediately regret such action; the sunlight was hitting the room's window as hard as it could and that same bright light hurt your vision.
Scrubbing your eyeballs made the pain vanish after a while and enabled you to see clearly. Napoleon wasn't here and neither were his clothes.
You get up from the small bed and you observe that the pain that was once in your foot was no longer there.
Your eyes change focus between your feet and the boots that Bonaparte had lent you.
"My feet don't hurt anymore and I do miss feeling the grass beneath them..." you think to yourself.
But there was no time for such thoughts... because a gunshot was soon heard!

You run to the window to check what was happening.
The gorgeous eyes placed on your head were focused on strange people, people you've never met or seen before... people that were wearing uniforms.
"Those aren't the french uniforms that I'm familiar with." you think to yourself.
Can this be... The Enemy?

A loud knock is heard just below your room.
At this time, you quietly walk to your room's door; your right ear becomes glued to the door, searching for phrases, or simply words, that indicated if you were in danger or not.
Some voices can be heard and they aren't speaking french.
You start to panic for a brief second as you hear these soldiers approaching your room; you also hear some of the hotel's guests cry. Something isn't right... Where is Napoleon?

The sun was still shining through your room's window as if indicating you to look through it once more, so you did.
The soldiers that were once standing there are no longer in your line of sight, perhaps those entered the hotel too.
So you take this as an opportunity to jump through the window.
The only problem was that the room you were standing in is on the very top floor, you could hurt yourself again.

Someone knocks on the door.
Their patience was clearly no longer present, as the knock was aggressive and their voices deep and angry.
They try to open the door but it is closed from the inside; So they start to violently run towards it using their right arm to aggressively push the door, trying to forcibly enter the room.
At this point, your heart starts to beat faster. You are in real trouble.

You open the window and you look down.
You aren't sure if you can make this jump without hurting yourself, but there is nothing else to lose.
"Should I wait here for these angry men to get me? What will they do if they succeed in doing so?" these were the kind of thoughts in your innocent, yet afraid, mind.
Looking at the beautiful sky above you, courage finally greets you; And so, you jump.

You land poorly, your legs start to hurt soon after your feet make contact with the floor; you fall on your side due to your weak body performance, feeling the warm ground beneath your body.
Three soldiers approach you after witnessing what just happened.
Turns out they weren't in the hotel at all, they were merely looking for shade next to it.
They grab you, strongly gripping your arms with their hands full of calluses.
It hurts, but not as much as your legs.

The soldiers blindfold you and start to speak to you in a language you aren't familiar with.
They start to drag you along.
In such a scary situation, you use your position to your advantage; you try to make them scared back.

Y/N: "You shouldn't hurt me like this! What is it that you want anyway?"

Again, the language that you don't understand leaves their mouths.
Their anger not only shows in their loud voice, but they start to grip you harder as you asked more questions.

Y/N: "I'm with Napoleon Bonaparte!"

This time, no response was given.
Did you succeed? Or did you arrive at the place they were initially bringing you to?
A loud gate is heard being opened. They aren't scared, you've simply arrived.
They throw you to the ground, your legs are still hurting so you don't stand up right away.
In the midst of chaos, a calm voice is heard.

???: "You can take off blindfold now."

You slowly take it off and you take a good look at the man speaking to you and the others surrounding him.
Their skin was the same color of sand with a touch of redness, perhaps from exposure to the sun; Their uniforms were white with red collars and red cuffs.

Y/N: "Where am I?"

???: "In cell. This is where you sleep now." His English was not the best, but it is understandable.

Y/N: "What have I done to be here? I am merely a homeless woman."

???: "You are much more, MUCH more than what you say. You are with Napoleon Bonaparte, you are not?"

Y/N: "Where is he?"

???: "Soon he will join you. And soon he will join the guillotine."

Y/N: "Wait-" The man closes the cell door and locks it.

???: "No more words. You must stay here, don't bother the soldiers unless you feel sick." These were his last words, he then proceeds to walk away with the soldiers following his every step.

Y/N: "WAIT! HEY! COME BACK!" Yelling this was simply futile as the more you yelled, the faster he walked away.

You look around you, trying to spot something or someone that could help you.
But all you saw were other prisoners; however, there were girls here too.
They would occasionally glance over at you with sad eyes and you returned their gesture.
You were feeling sick, not only your legs hurt but your stomach did too. However, you were too scared to ask anything from the soldiers at the moment; going to the guillotine for annoying anyone with authority, as you just arrived, didn't seem like a good plan.

And so you wait.
The pain that was on your legs was soon gone and only the stomach pain remained.
Hunger was a problem too, as it was getting darker by the minute and no food was given to you.
But those were not your focal concerns. Where's Nappy in all of this? Was he caught too? Is he going to be okay?

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