19. Caring Love

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Tomorrow did come, but the wait felt long and lonely.
While you were waiting for something new to happen, you place your right hand on your stomach.
The realization of you carrying the Emperor of the French's child was overwhelming but you didn't quite look at it that way.
You looked at it as carrying the child of a man you love, who you care for and miss.

Soon you notice the soldiers moving away from your cell in a rush, and the sound of gunfire and cannonballs hitting the ground was heard too.
Looking in the distance, you notice a person who was rushing against the soldiers, trying to make their way to your cell, but you couldn't quite tell who it was; for the sun was hitting your eyes, making it hard for you to see.
As they were approaching, you quickly grab a loose stone in hopes to defend yourself if you'd have to but your anxiety and fears quickly faded as you discover the strange figure to be no other than Pierre.
You hear him scream your name, he did no longer care for his disguise it seemed.


Y/N: "What's happening?"


You quickly realize what was happening and so you listen to Pierre by following Napoleon's order.
The battlefield was far away from where you stood but it was still very risky to keep your head up.
Pierre finally reaches you and uses a key to open your cell.
You question him about his disguise.

Y/N: "Why aren't they attacking you? Shouldn't they know you are french by now?"

Pierre: "Don't worry, they don't care much for me as long as I'm not carrying a weapon. The Emperor got their attention!"

Pierre: "You see, he came all this way himself. It's him they want, that's why these men were using you. It was to get his attention and it looks like they have it."

Y/N: "He's here? Can you take me to him?"

Pierre: "It's far too dangerous, Bonaparte would have me executed! I must keep you safe, I shall take a horse and bring you, and his child, with me to his Palace."

You nod to Pierre but you don't fully pay attention to his words.
While he looks for a horse to borrow, your eyes wander for Napoleon.
You decide that it was best to follow the enemy, at a safe distance, so you could see where the battlefield was and where Bonaparte was too.
Being barefooted has again proved to be a beneficial factor sometimes; sneaking away from Pierre was the easiest part of the plan.

Now being officially on the run, you start to hear the gunfires getting progressively louder after each step you take.
You are scared but you cannot wait any longer to see him once more, after such a long time being away from his arms.
But there was the French army, fighting with everything they had.
And there he was too.

Was he looking for caring love? For you to show up?

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Was he looking for caring love? For you to show up?

Pierre rapidly yelled across the battlefield. He was so upset by your actions that you weren't sure if the ground was shaking due to the cannons and rifles being fired or due to his intense screams.

You looked back at Pierre, but only for half a second. Your eyes were hypnotized by your lover, and, consequently, by his charm that you longed for, for what felt like, ages.

Someone grabs your hand in such a harsh measure that you reacted to it as if it was being torn apart, it was Pierre yelling at you to move and climb onto his horse.

You do so.
Your actions were so slow that he had to grab you and put you on the horse himself.


Y/N: "I-"


Y/N: "I saw him..." You whisper to yourself.

Pierre: "Y/N..." He sighs.

Pierre: "I must bring you to his Palace."

While his horse moved, you looked back at the disastrous land behind you and thought of him.
The journey felt long, however you eventually arrived at the location.

A beautiful place,
waiting for a beautiful being, such as yourself,
to enter it.

Before doing so, guards rush towards you and help you get off the horse.
Pierre looks at you while his hands still firmly grab onto the horse's lead rope.

Pierre: "Y/N... I shall go now assist the Emperor. Please refrain from running away.

Pierre: "Me, and all the other soldiers, shall guarantee his return to this Palace and to you."

Y/N: "Sorry Pierre, I didn't do it on purpose... I was in awe when I saw him, that's all."

Before responding to you, Pierre looks to the ground below him and then to you.
Pierre: "I understand." He smiles.

He then commands his horse to gallop as fast as possible.
The wind makes the dust created by that action hit your face.
Your eyes water... Not because of the dust, but of the realization that the chance to say thank you to Pierre was now gone.

You were then rushed to the Palace.
A few ladies inside looked at you.

One of them said.
???: Nous prendrons soin de vous. (We will take care of you.)

And so they did.
They washed you, fed you, and got you new clothes.
Nothing fancy however, you refused anything that looked very expensive so they had you give you something simple.

Now the wait was for him to return safely to the Palace, to you, and to your child.

Looking For Caring Love (Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now