Chapter 18

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YES OMG YES, I have FINALLY decided to knuckle down, and write a new chapter, I am so, so sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy, and see you at the end!!!

With lust and horror

After the two skeletons got back from the club, horror suggested watching a movie


"Hey babe, do you wanna watch a film? We can have snacks too"

"Sounds wonderful! What do you wanna watch?"

"Hmm well I was thinking a-"

"Absolutely no horror films"

"Damn it, I knew you would say that"

"Hmm, oh I have an idea! How about we watch a-"

"If I can't watch a horror then you can't watch a romance"

Lust sighed

"Fine...oh! I think I know how to solve our problem"


"Why don't we watch gothic fiction!"

"What the heck is that? I mean it sounds kinda weird"

"It's romance and horror smooshed together!"

"Hmm, alright, but I don't even know if i have anything other than horror movies"


"What did you do?"

"I might if snuck round a couple of times to watch films here, ehehe"

"What the- why couldn't you of just watched them at home?"

"I may be lust sans, but I don't really enjoy seeing my brother with a different guy every time he comes home"

"Uhh, fair point"

"Now come sit!"

Horror sat over in the bed with lust and teleported snacks into the room, and they both continued to watch a film together ( this is so wholesome)

Back at the doodle sphere


"So, how are we doing with the guest list so far?"

"I'm not sure if we have everyone, could you possibly check is that everyone you would like there?"

Ink grabbed the clipboard and started to list of everyone who was coming

Inks POV:

Oh boy, there's a lot of sanses on here, welp, better get to it

Ink took a deep breath

"So we have: classic, fell, blue, dream, cross, dust, killer, nightmare, horror, lust, geno, reaper, science, outer, epic, error (obviously) colour, swap fell and fellswap, Hmm should we invite papyruses to?"

"Uh, that might not be a good idea, most sanses tend to freak out when they see a papyrus, especially geno"

"I guess your right, perhaps we should have an after party for just the papyruses?"

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