Chapter 27

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AT: this is the chapter before the Christmas one so dw it's coming soon ;)

Killers POV:

AHHHH I'm so excited!!! It's Christmas eve's eve!!! Which means Christmas Eve is tommorow!!! And before you all get mad at me (fourth wall break!) yes I managed to get lust that plush, I snagged it not too long ago, I was going to buy it, but then I remembered I'm a bad sans and I don't give a f*ck, so I just stole it and teleported away

I was in my room.

I hope the guys like their presents, I knew that error and cross was doing some sort of secret Santa thing? Idk what it was but they said that they would be at the star sanses for Christmas afternoon, I still felt bad that I didn't get tyem anything, so I got cross some chocolate and I got error some knitting needles, nothing to great, just something small

"Hey kills, what's up?"

It was dust!

"Oh, sup dude, not much, I'm kinda bored to be honest"

I won't lie, I know it's been Christmas and all, but no one's ever around, they are always at the star sanses with ink, which is understandable, maybe I should pay them a visit

"Hm, alright bro, we'll if you'd like, I was gonna go and help horror get his dinner, if you want a taste of the old times, you could join us?"

Hmm killing innocent people did seem fun, but I had already promised myself I would see ink

"Damn, I would love to, but I was going to visit ink today"

Dusts face changes, he seemed a bit disappointed

"Alright man, I'm just saying it would be awesome if we went as the murder time trio just one more time?"

Well, it was only 10:40, so I still had all day

"Hm, alright you've convinced me, gimme a second I'll go grab my old jacket"

Dust seemed extremely happy, me and horror are his bros after all

"Yes! I'll go tell horror the news!"

Dust ran off

I must admit, the old times where nice, me, dust and horror running off whilst error and nightmare walked behind, cross wasn't in the team yet when it was like that, he had recently joined, but we all instantly became friends, it was fun to have cross around, especially when we all make fun of him, he knows we don't mean it, but it's still funny

"Hey kills got your stuff yet?"

My train of thought was interrupted by dust, he was standing at my door waiting for me

"Oh! Yeah I got it, and I'm even bringing my new knife!"

I pulled out my sweet new blade, and was I flexing? Hell yeah

"Pfft whatever, my weapons are better"

Horror walked through the door

"No way! My axe could slice through anybodys head in seconds!"

Horror was bragging, we all started arguing about who's weapon was best, that was until cross walked through the door

"What are you all doing?"

All of us too wound up in our argument just shouted-


And we all went back to arguing

"Jeez fine, I know when I'm not wanted"

And he strutted out of room with a sassy walk (idk why but I feel like that's what he would do, and flicking his cape too 😂)

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