Chapter 20

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Ha, here's the chapter I know you all wanted ;)

Killer's POV

It was the day before Inks baby shower, I could tell he was nervous, just by the way he was acting (I'm gonna be writing in the new technique, if you don't know what I'm talking about go and check out my other story called Tweek x Craig, where my South Park lovers at?!) I told him everything is going to be fine, and that he should stop worrying about it, but knowing Ink, he's gonna worry no matter what

"What if he doesn't want to be a father yet?! What if he hates me! What if he doesn't want to keep it?! What if he breaks up with me?! WHAT IF HE TRIES TO HURT IT-"


I yell to get him to listen to me

"Ink listen, Error could never do that to you, he loves you too much, and I'm sure he'll love the baby too! Really there's nothing to worry about"

I said reassuringly

"Y-you think?"

"I do, besides, Error would make a great dad, believe it or not, he can be really sweet sometimes"

I was lying, well, sort of, Error is sweet and kind to us, but only when Ink is around, when he's not he's a complete a**, but, he is a pretty good friend at the same time, and I just know he's gonna love being a dad

"Thaks for cheering me up killer, I hope your right"

I gave the skeleton a hug, to make sure he knew everything was gonna be okay

"Now, I believe we have a baby shower to get ready for!!!"

Ink started to laugh

"We still have a whole day yet"

He said to me, still laughing a little

"I know, but now we gotta make sure Error is ready for it!"

I can't wait to see the look on his face, I'm bringing a camera, just in case

"Thanks for helping out killer, I really appreciate it, and if you ever need any help with anything, just let me know!"

"Will do! And ink, don't worry about it okay? Everything is going to be just fine!"

"I won't killer, I swear"

I chuckled a little

"Good, now, go and prepare to give Error the biggest crash he's ever gonna get!!!"

We both started to laugh, Error and Ink are so lucky, there gonna have a family! Man, I wish me and nighty could have a family... (soon, just you wait and see)

Ah, speak of the devil

"Oh, kills there you are, I was getting worried about you"

Nightmare appeared through a portal, and soon after gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"Hi nighty! I was helping Ink with the baby shower"

"Ugh are you still in about that? I mean I know Error is gonna be a dad, and Geno is gonna be an uncle and all, but is it really that big of a deal?"

Me and ink both stares at him with creepy flares, I could tell it freaked him out, his ego was just to big to admit it

"Uh, never mind sure it's important, anyway, kills we have to get back home, you'll never guess what the chessboard done this time"

"Uh, I really don't wanna know"

I said to nighty I'm response, you see, cross has a tend to mess everything up... ALL THE TIME, sometimes I think he does it on purpose, the only reason he hasn't been killed yet is because nightmare knows dream has a thing for him and if nightmare killed cross dream would never forgive him, so instead boss just torments him, as do all of us... except dream

"Let's get going before he blows the house up"

"Alright nighty! You go ahead I'll be there soon, I just gotta say goodbye first"

Nightmare shrugged and walked back through the portal

"Welp, guess that's my que to go, sorry Ink, can't wait for the baby shower tho!"

I said in excitement

"I can't wait either, it's just... Error.."

"Hey! I said don't think about it, everything is going to be fine! Now, go get some sleep! I need to teach a certain Oreo a lesson"

We both laughed, and waved to each other as I stepped into the portal.

Expecting to see a little rachis of nightmare shouting and cross, I hopped through the portal... boy was I wrong... nightmare was covered head to toe in... water?! Holy sh*t, cross is going to DIE!!!!

I quickly run over to them expecting nighty to attack him and possibly hurt him, but, he didn't, instead he just, teleported away?... what?

I looked at cross, and he looked back at me with looks of confusion... what just happened?

"Cross... what did you do?"

I asked him, a bit of worry in my voice, everyone knows that when you anger nightmare he doesn't run!!!???? He fights back! And ALWAYS wins!!! Why would he run away? That's not like him at all!!!

"I-I don't know, one minute I was walking through the kitchen with a bucket of water to clean up my mess in the dinning room, and the next nightmare teleported right in front of me, and I spilt it all over him, I expected him to chase me, but he didn't?"

"I'll go check on him, you clean up"

I ran to nightys room, a bit worried hearing a "okay!" From cross as I climbed the stairs

This doesn't make sense? Why would he run? Cross is NOT as scary as people think, especially to nightmare, king of negativity

I approached nightmares door, and knocked on it 3 times


I heard shuffling of bed sheets and quite and angry voice yell back


"N-nightmare? It's me! K-killer!"

A pause, and an unsettling one

Finally, I heard the door unlock, I used that as a signal I could come in, I walked through the door expecting to see a frustrated nightmare Infrint of me, but all I could see was him sitting in his bed, with a blanket covering his entire body

"Nighty? What's wrong?"

"D-don't look at me..."

Wait, was he? Crying?!

I ran towards the bed and took off the cover to comfort my sad octopus, but, I didn't see nightmare at all, instead it was something I had not seen, in over a millennia

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