Chapter: 22

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I might go back to the old writing style, because idk if this is more confusing or not, lemme know what you guys think

At the stars house

it was the morning of inks baby shower, all  of the stars were super excited, except for cross who was still asleep on the sofa.

"Wowie!! This is going to be so fun!"

"I agree blue! So ink, how do you think error will react?"

"I don't know dream, I mean, I hope he's not upset, what he doesn't want to be a dad just yet, what if he never wants to be one!"

Ink started to panic again

"Hey, it's okay Ink, Error is going to love being a father, and I'm sure when he finds out he's going to be so happy"

Dream comforted Ink

"Yeah Ink! Besides, even if he doesn't, you still have me, Dream, Cross, Killer, Horror, and Dusty!"

"Thanks Blue"

Blue have a proud smile with the usual stars in his eyes

Dream and Ink couldn't help but laugh, Blue was the child in the group, so usually he was the most clueless

After they were done laughing cross came through the door yawning

"What's up guys"

Dream looked at cross and for a second they made eye contact, cross started to blush, but dream just smiled and waved

"Good morning cross, did you have a good sleep?"

Dream asked

"Uh, yea, it was one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time"

Cross said as he walked over and sat on the table next to dream

"So brother, what did you dream about last night?"

Ink asked

Cross was silent for a second trying to remember, but then it came back to him, he had dreamt that he and dream had a family together, two children, and were happily married

Cross didn't notice how much he was blushing, he didn't know that he had a really stoopid smile on his face either

"What are you smiling about?"

Ink said with a smirk

It brought cross out of his dream fantasy


"Don't worry, anyway, we still need to think of an outfit to wear at the baby shower"

Ink drew a couple of designs on a piece of paper, he liked the look of some outfits, but wasn't entirely sure on what to decide

Blue, Dream and cross also took a look on the piece of paper, fascinated by how good they looked

"Woah, bro you drew these?"

Cross was amazed at how good at art Ink was

"Sure did, I also drew an outfit for you cross, and all the other bad sanses if they were interested"

Ink turned the page, and they was all met with even more beautiful designs

Cross looked around on the paper for his, that's when his eyes landed on a black and white coloured outfit, cross was sure his jaw hit the floor

"You expect me! To wear THAT!!!"

You see, Ink didn't draw a normal outfit for cross, here's a picture of what Ink Drew if you all are wondering

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