Chapter 23

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"I'm... going to be a... what?"

I couldn't believe the word ink said, father?! Surely I misheard?

"Ru Ru, your going to be a father... I'm pregnant.."

I stood there, I felt my nose start to sting, and water cloud my eyes, I blinked to try and make them go away, but no matter what I did they kept on coming


Ink ran up to me to make sure I was okay

"I'm going to have a child...I'm... im going to be a father!!!"

I was so happy, me and Ink was going to have a family, at this point I didn't care what the others thought, I embraced my lover, as the happy tears streamed down my cheeks, and a wide smile plastered on my face

"I'm so happy KiKi, I can't wait to start a family with you"

I heard Ink sniffle into my shoulder

"Oh RuRu, I didn't know how you would react, I was so scared that you wouldn't want to be a father"

"How could you say that? Ink, I love you more than anything, of course I would want to be a dad"

We hugged once more, before I gave ink a kiss

Everyone started to cheer, until...


Horror shouted from the crowd

"Error and Ink, sitting in a tree!"

Dust started to sing


Cross continued the song

"First comes love!"

Horror continues

"Alright enough!"

I shouted, ugh these idiots are the worst!

Everyone started to laugh

"Alright everyone! Grab a partner! And let's dance!"

Dream shouted from the audience, everyone went to find their pair, dream ran to cross before asking him if he'd like to dance, cross agreed, he looked like a grape though, ha stoopid

No ones POV

Everyone went to get their pair

Cross with dream
Nightmare with killer
Horror and Lust
Reaper and geno
Error and ink

But then, something happened

Outers POV

I wish I had someone to dance with, it would of been the best night ever, if only classy had said yes

I started to feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes, until I heard the sweetest voice imaginable

"Uh, h-hello, I saw that you d-didnt have a partner so, I was wondering, would you like to dance with m-me?"

I looked up, and saw, that it was science?!

I felt my face heat up a little, I never realised how cute he looked

"Uh, sure!"

I got up from my seat and I took sciences hand, then, I showed him to the dance floor

I was showing of my awesome moves, before I look over to the corner and see classic, and, red...

They looked so happy, and I swear I could see blush on their faces, but, I'm over classic, sure, he's a real nice guy, but I think I've found the one for me

No ones POV

Outer watched science having a fun time dancing like no one was watching, it was nice to see, science was a shy sans, and didn't like attention, but he seems to have let himself go, and Outer couldn't be happier

Killers POV

I was dancing with nighty, and I looked over at Outer, he was dancing, with science! He was smiling too, and, is that blush I see?! Ooo I think Outer might have another crush

"What you looking at?"

Nighty said as he turned his head around to see outer and science dancing

"Well, looks like Outer has a new crush"

He said, before laughing

"You know, I've been thinking"

I raised my eyebrows to nighty words

"Seeing how happy Ink and Error are that there gonna be parents, makes me think"

Is nighty going to say what I think he's going to say!?

"Maybe, we could be parents one day"

I felt my face start to heat up, and I felt so happy at the same time! Nightmare wants to start a family? With me!

"Nighty! I would love to have a family with you!"

I cupped his cheeks and gave him a small peck on the forehead

"Wow, can you imagine, me, you, and our beautiful children, living the best life we ever could"

Slow music had started to play, and, I must admit, nightmare has got some good moves

It was like a waltz in a way, (for those who don't know what a waltz is, it's basically like slow dancing)

Time skip

It was close to the end of the night, and time for everyone to head home, we all had fun playing games and dancing, and at the end of the night, everyone sat around in circle, to open the gifts that Ink and Error had gotten from the others

"Oh! Ink! Open mine first!"

Blue shouted, he was sitting in Dusts lap, so that he could not spike the punch again (you guys know what I'm talking about)

Ink opened Blues present, and inside , he saw a small little bear, with a red ribbon attached to its neck

"Aw Blue, this is so cute! Thankyou!"

"I spared no expense!"
Blue said a bit cockily

"Babe it was 3 pou- OW!"

Blue had punched dust before he finished that sentence

"Open mine next ink!"

Ink went to take the light yellow box that dream handed to him

(Mk so I'm getting lazy :) ~Time Skip~)

Inks POV:

After the night had ended and everyone went home, it was just me, Error and the music was still playing in the back-round, I started stacking chairs, and just doing general tidy up, but then I felt two hands clasp around my waist

"You know, it's just the two of us now"

Errors voice was deeper than usual

"What are you implying mr?"

I had a hunch that I knew where this was going, he ignored my question

"You look cute in that dress, you should wear it more often"

He spun me around so that I was facing him, I could see the lust in his eyes

I sighed

"Error, I'm pregnant, we can't"

"Aw man..",

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