Chapter Seventeen

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Blake Lawson's Point of View

I dropped my hand to my side and looked back at the rainbow. It's probably for the best if things worked out between Victoria and me. After all, we were meant to be together.

"Well, we should be getting back soon." I took a step back and scratched the back of my head. I watched as Sophia's face fell slightly, almost like she didn't want to go. I didn't want to go either. But I was already risking everything I had with Victoria just by being here.

She slowly walked over to the blanket where our stuff was and began to pick it up. I helped and made sure everything was secure in the basket. She folded up the blanket and picked everything, giving me a small smile. I returned the smile and went to turn around before she spoke again.

"Wait, how are we going to get back up?" I glanced back at her before smirking.

It was moments like these when I was actually happy that I was really athletic.

"I got an idea." She was obviously confused so I started to lead the way back to the ledge. I stood there and looked up, finding the good places to put my hands and feet on.

"Blake, I know you can climb up and everything but I-" I shook my head and put my hands on my hips. She gave me another look of confusion before I gestured for her to give me the basket and blanket. She slowly handed them to be so I set them behind me.

I bent my knees slightly and laced my fingers together, looking up at her as I held my hands in front of me.

"Step onto me and I'll help you up." I smiled and watched as she didn't move.

"I can't do that! What about you? I can't just leave you-"

"Do you trust me, Sophia?" Her bright green eyes seem conflicted as she bit her lip for a second. She nodded and slowly walked up to me. She hesitantly put her hands on my shoulders and stepped into my laced fingers. I slowly and carefully hoisted her up, watching as she held onto the top and climbed up. I grabbed the basket and blanket, waiting for her to come back into view.

She peeked past the ledge and looked down at me. I slowly handed her the basket and blanket, making sure not to drop them. Once I handed her everything, I began the climb up the little cliff. I grabbed certain places on the rocks and stepped into different holds, getting closer to my goal.

"See, this isn't so bad." I smiled as I realized I was almost there. Just a few more steps. As I reached for the top with my right hand, my left hand slipped, a stinging pain automatically hitting my palm. 

"Shit." I continued climbing upwards, hissing past clenched teeth, knowing I was almost to the top. Once I got to the top, I sat on the ledge and held my hand against my chest. I felt the blood leaking onto my shirt as my hand began to throb with pain.

"Blake, what are you..." I heard Sophia say behind me. I stood up and turned towards her. I smiled and continued to hold my hand against me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Do you need help with anything?" I tried to smile but the pain seemed to worsen. Fuck, why do I have to be so reckless?

"Blake! What happened? Are you okay?" Sophia was immediately by my side to see if I was okay. Her small and shaky hands went to reach for mine, but she quickly retracted her hand when she saw more of the blood.

"Oh my goodness, Blake I'm so sorry." I looked up and saw that her eyes were welling up with tears. How could she possibly feel responsible for this?

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault." I smiled even though I was in a major amount of pain. The more she looked at my hand, the more her eyes seemed to well up with tears. A couple of tears fell down her cheeks as I thought about what to do.

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