Chapter Seven

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Blake Lawson's Point Of View

I snuggled more into a pillow as I heard laughter from somewhere. I closed my eyes more as I felt the sun's warm rays shine onto my face. I flopped onto my back and stretched as I yawned. I smacked my lips together a few times before slowly opening my eyes. It took me a second to realize that I was in Peter's living room. I looked to my left and saw that there was a pillow on top of a folded blanket.


Where was she?

I sat up looked around before hearing Peter snort followed by a loud laugh.

"Oh my goodness! Hunter, you're too much!" I hear Peter yell before he started laughing again.

What the hell were they doing so much in there? 

I sighed before folding the blankets back and swinging my feet off of the couch. I stood up and stretched my arms upwards, yawning again. I scratched my back as I started walking to the kitchen. When I walked in, everyone was laughing except for Sophia and Hunter. They were both just smiling. Everyone was sitting at Peter's table eating what looked like eggs. I knew Peter probably made them because he was a really good cook. I think he's even thought about making it his career.

"Oh hey, Blake! How did you sleep? It's almost nine o'clock." Peter said before shoving some food into his mouth. I smiled and laughed a little at how weird he was.

Sophia looked at me and for a second I saw concern flash in her eyes before it disappeared.

Had she told everyone about last night? Was she worried that I would get mad at her because she did?

I shrugged the thought off as I walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a plate. I sat down at the table with everyone and grabbed the bowl of eggs and put some into my plate. They were still hot and looked amazing. As I looked closer, I noticed there were some green onions and potatoes mixed into the eggs. Peter really outdid himself this time. 

"Yeah, I slept alright. What about you guys?" I said as I grabbed a fork from the drawer behind me before sitting back down in front of my bowl.

"I slept alright," Hunter said as he scratched the back of his neck. He usually only did that when he was uncomfortable. That made me wonder about last night and what happened between him and Claire.

"I slept supercalifragilisticexpialidociously good!" Peter said really fast before taking another bite of his breakfast. I took a bite of mine and just smiled.

"I slept alright I suppose," Claire said as she slightly glared at Hunter. He just looked away and shoved his hands into his pajama pockets. Seriously, these two have got some serious problems that they need to resolve. 

"I slept okay," Sophia said before she got up and placed her plate into Peter's sink. I took another bite of my eggs as I watched her rinse off her plate. She slowly walked back over to her seat with a small smile. Had she finally warmed up to us?

"What do you guys want to do? We have like today and tomorrow and then school starts for this year! It's going to be so spooky. And we have Sophia this year too!" Peter said as he danced around the kitchen. At some point, he had twirled around and placed his plate into the sink. "I mean we can go to the movies or we can go to the park or we can go to the mall or we can go to the zoo-" He started to ramble but Claire had cut him off.

"Let's go to the mall!" She stood up and clapped her hands together as she squealed. I took the last bite of my breakfast and started to drink some water that I had in front of me.

"That sounds cool with me," Hunter said but Claire seemed to be completely ignoring him.

"Sounds okie dokie lokie with me!" Peter said as he jumped up and down.

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