Chapter Two

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Blake Lawson's Point Of View

I groan as I hear an alarm ringing in my ear. I roll over and grab my phone from my charger. I squint as I try to open my eyes. Once I pry them open, I blink really fast, trying to get my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. I rub my eyes with one of my hands as I hold my phone with the other hand. I finally press snooze on my alarm and groan again as I set my phone back on the little table by my bed. I look around my room and try to remember why I am awake on a Friday at seven in the morning.

Oh right, track practice. Even though it was still technically summer, track is still starting. And as someone who loves to be active, I try to play every sport I can.

I swing my feet out of bed and realize my blankets were on the floor. I usually sleep pretty restlessly. I mean sure, I snore and toss and turn, but that wasn't the main problem. Sometimes I have nightmares. I don't have that many nightmares anymore but when I do, they're horrible. 

I stand up from my bed and groan really loudly while stretching. I scratch my stomach as I head to the bathroom that's in my room. I look at myself in the mirror after yawning and smacking my lips. I walk further into the bathroom and took off my shorts and t-shirt, throwing them on the floor. I went pee and washed my hands then walk back into my room. I put on my white and blue track uniform and put some socks on.

Lawson and the number five were in big letters on the back of my shirt and my shorts are simply blue with white stripes on the sides. The words Burke High School were on the front in white and a blue letters. A white bulldog was right under the letters, looking like he's going to attack someone.

I walk back into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I smack my lips together, tasting the mint toothpaste that I just had in my mouth. I brush my long hair until there are no more tangles. My hair falls to the middle of my back which I can't complain about. I like my long hair. But I have got to get it cut. It's such a hassle sometimes.

I brush my hair into a high ponytail, wrapping my hair tie around my hair four times. I tighten my hair and look at myself.

My bright blue eyes complimented my chestnut-colored hair and I thought I looked good. I turn to the side and lift my shirt. I have slight abs which would make sense. I'm what people consider athletic. I try to run at least a mile every day, I do almost every sport at school, and I eat good.

When I say I eat good, I mean I eat good. Most athletes have to eat salads and everything to stay in shape. But because I run so much and I'm always doing some kind of sport, I can eat a whole pizza before considering whether or not I should stop. Probably not the healthiest sometimes, but I can't complain about my body figure.

I took one last look in the mirror before going back into my room and putting on my rainbow-colored tennis shoes. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I found a note on the island kitchen from my uncle, explaining that he had gone to work and that there's some lunch in the fridge for me. He also left me twenty bucks for gas. 

Honestly? I haven't seen him much this week. He's always busy working. I mean, I can't complain that much. I've been living with him since I was five... But ever since he knew that I could be alone by myself without burning the house down, I've been alone. I know he picks up extra shifts at the hospital and everything, but I'm only human. I don't like being alone all the time.

I think that's why I'm always with my friends or at sports practice. I shrug to myself as I grab a piece of bread out of the bag and put it into the toaster. While it cooked, I pour myself a glass of orange juice. Once the toast is done, I put some butter and honey on it. I sit at the island alone and in silence as I eat my breakfast.

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