Chapter Three

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Sophia Woods' Point Of View

My hold on the pepper spray in my purse was tight as I follow Blake to the kitchen. I really envy her long hair and her bright blue eyes. I envied her tan skin even more. I couldn't imagine myself wearing anything like she's wearing. She had a tight tank top that not only showed off her stomach but complimented her breasts too.

Quit being such a pervert, stupid.

I held onto my pepper spray even tighter as we approached the kitchen. As we walked in, I saw that the table was covered in food.

"Guy's, this is Sophia Woods." I hear Victoria say. I feel five pairs of eyes on me so I look down and let my hair cover my face.

"Um, hi," I said, playing with the cap in my purse that belonged to my pepper spray bottle. Everyone's quiet for a second before the room erupted in curious voices.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you. My name is Peter Wilson. And I really like tacos! Do you like them too?!" I see a figure in front of me and look past my hair to see a guy standing in front of me. He has a head of dark brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. His bright smile reached his eyes as he displayed a set of shiny teeth. His skin isn't pale but isn't quite tan either.

I gasp when he suddenly grabs my hand and starts shaking it. I widen my eyes as I step back, slightly shaking now.

"Peter! I told you not to scare her." Victoria yelled at him. "Sorry about that." She looked at me with an apologetic smile.

"Hello, Sophia. My name is Claire Thompson." A girl with curly red hair said. She wasn't as loud as Peter, which I appreciated. Her eyes are really pretty, like a hazel color. And her face was peppered in freckles. She looks like she has make-up on, not enough to give her a plastic look though. She's so pretty, especially in her clothes. She held out her hand to me to shake mine. "You don't have to but I don't bite." I slowly and hesitantly shook her hand before looking down again.

"It's nice to meet you," I spoke at a mere whisper.

"Hiya! My name's Hunter Black. It's very nice to meet you." A man, who has to be at least six feet tall, was now standing in front of me. I feel very self-conscious because I was only 5'2. He has dirty blonde hair that's combed back, his eyes are a deep hazel, and he has really tanned skin. His t-shirt that he has on defined his abs, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of cowboy boots on. 

He suddenly leans down to my height and sticks his hand towards me. And then he spoke in a voice that isn't so loud and scary. "I know I'm tall but I promise ya that I ain't gonna hurt ya. Alright?" I slowly nod and shook his very big and rough hand. I push my glasses up my nose as I look around at the group of teenagers in front of me.

Maybe I really can make some friends tonight.

"Alright. So, I thought maybe we could play some games for a bit and then watch a movie. Sound good to everyone?" Victoria said as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. I slowly take my hand out of my purse, feeling a little safer now. Everyone replies with a simple yes or a nod and I watch as Blake walked over to where Victoria is. "But how about we get our pajamas on first?" She said, looking around at everyone. Blake and Hunter nodded and Claire clapped her hands and squealed. Peter nodded and says something while his mouth was full of cookies.

After he swallows his food, Peter repeated what he had said before. "Okay, Hunter and I will go change in my room. Cause, you know, we're guys. And the rest of you can change in the spare bedrooms or in a bathroom." He smiles, everyone heading a certain way.

I can't change in front of everyone, they'll make fun of the way I look. They won't understand. Will they be okay with me changing in a bathroom? Will they think I'm weird or strange?

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