Chapter Eleven

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Sophia Woods Point of View

I gasped as I sat up. My eyes tried to look for something, anything, but I just saw darkness. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly as I continued to breathe heavily. Where was I? Had he finally kidnapped me? I then realized that I was drenched in sweat and so were my sheets. My eyes adjusted a little more as I looked around. I hugged my knees tighter to my chest as I gasped for air and looked around my room. That's when I noticed my room was dark except for the little moonlight coming from my window. I tried to calm my breathing as I looked around.

He's not here. He's not here. He's not here.

I kept repeating the same sentence to myself while trying to calm myself down. I hate those nightmares... Not only did they keep me up at night but they were affecting me when I was awake. He was still terrorizing me and he wasn't even here. Once my breathing is somewhat back to normal, I let my legs fall back down onto the bed.

I sighed as I slowly got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom that was outside of my room. I turned the light on and looked at myself in the mirror. I was too tired to call myself down so I just went over to the toilet to do my business. I yawned as I flushed before dragging myself over to the sink. I slowly washed my hands before drying them with a random towel on the counter.

I walked back into my room and turned on my light. I grabbed my glasses and put them on, noticing how much clearer everything looked. I yawned as I picked up my phone to look at the time. Four in the morning. I am up at four in the morning because of him.

Pathetic. You can't even manage to run away right.

I really wanted to curse, to scream, to cry, to do anything but I just sigh. I didn't have the energy. Today was the first day of school and I was all ready to go, but now I was going to be tired all day. I know I should probably go to sleep but I just couldn't. I was only going to be reliving the same nightmares all over again. They always end the same way and I wish I could just make them all go away.

I set my phone on my dresser before I turned off the light and walked out of my room. I walked into the kitchen and turned a little light that was above the sink on. I gripped the sink as I stared down at the faucet.

I sighed before walking into the living room and looking around. What can I do at four in the morning? I glanced around before my eyes landed on a particular object. My computer. I smiled before grabbing it and sitting on the couch.

Before I knew it, I was writing away. I haven't been writing for very long but I just knew that it made me feel so much better. It's like I can spill all of my thoughts out and people could actually listen to me. It was almost therapeutic. Of course, I didn't publish it anywhere, but I hoped that someday I might be able to.

You really think you could write something that worthy? Ha! Your dreams are as worthless as you.

I flinched at my thoughts before I continued to write.

"I stared at him in wonder. How could he do this to me? Didn't he know how much I loved him?" I murmured to myself as I wrote the last sentence to a chapter of mine. I stretched my arms upward and groaned. I hoped I wasn't keeping my neighbors up. Sometimes I just feel that if I'm awake, I'm keeping others up too. I've felt like that ever since I was little. Why? I wasn't sure.

A bright light suddenly shined into my face so I looked to where it was coming from. Outside? Was it daylight already? I looked down at my computer and saw that it was already six-thirty. Time really flies when you aren't bored I guess. I sighed and saved my work before shutting off my computer. I set it on the little coffee table in front of me before standing up. I walked down the little hall and to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair before looking at myself in the mirror. Maybe I could do something with my hair?

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