Chapter Ten

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Blake Lawson's Point of View 

I tighten my arms around the small girl in front of me. I couldn't believe that she almost had a breakdown in front of everyone. I'm very grateful that I was strong enough to carry her to the bathroom where there was some privacy. 

She pulled back and looked up at me. Her eyes were red from crying and the tip of her nose was red too as she sniffed. I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her into my chest. I hugged her tightly as I felt her hug me back. I felt her crying but didn't hear that much noise.

I wished she would talk to me. I really want to know what's going on in her life to cause her this much pain. Would she ever tell me?

"Sshh, it's going to be okay. It's okay. You're not there, you're here. I'm here." I reassured her as I slowly pet her hair. I rested my chin on her head as my other hand slowly rubbed her back.

After a few more minutes passed by, she had calmed down completely. If we both weren't standing up, I thought she would have fallen asleep. She pulled back and took a few steps back as she wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"Better?" I whispered, watching as she wiped the tears from her face. She slowly nodded before looking up at me. She pushed her glasses up her nose before her green eyes looked up at me. She was about three or four inches shorter than me but she still seemed so small and fragile in front of me.

"W-what happened?" She whispered as she stared at me, fidgeting with her hands. I thought for a second as I tried to piece together everything.

"Well, it was almost like you had another nightmare. But you were awake. I saw you staring off into space and you slowly started shaking and breathing really heavily. And, I don't know, I just knew you were going to have a panic attack. So, I slowly dragged you over here, near the bathrooms. I hope that's okay... But I didn't yell at you or anything, I just tried to comfort you as best as I could until you came back to your senses." I shoved my hands into my pockets as I looked away. When she didn't say anything in return, I looked back at her.

I widened my eyes when I realized she was crying again. Had I said something wrong?

"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" I stepped closer and to my surprise, she quickly took a step forward and hugged me. I took a step back because I was so surprised, but I still hugged her back. Was she okay? Was she going to start crying again? Was it another nightmare?

"Hey, what's wrong?" I patted her back and felt her silently crying again. Shit, was it something I said? I didn't want her to cry. I especially didn't want to be the reason she was crying.

"Th-that's the n-nicest thing a-anyone h-has ever d-done for m-me." She whispered before pulling back and taking a few steps backward. She wiped her tears from her eyes with her sleeves again. She pushed up her glasses then gave me a small smile. Her smile was so sweet and genuine.

"W-well, should we get back to the o-others?" She spoke softly while fidgeting with her hands again.

"Uh, about that..." I scratched the back of my neck and looked at the white bathroom tile. "When I realized what was happening with you, I told everyone that I would just take you home. And with very confused looks from everyone, I left them there." I lightly chuckled and heard her say a small 'oh'. "I hope that's okay." I smiled at her and hoped she would agree. I knew she didn't want to get a massage. Was it something to do with people touching her?

That would make sense actually. When we first met her, she was very tense and jumpy. She seemed a little more chilled out now, but I couldn't help but still feel curious. Who hurt this sweet and innocent girl?

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