Chapter Nine

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*There's a scene in this chapter that can be very triggering for some people. Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable.*

Sophia Woods Point Of View

After Blake's slight breakdown, we continued to make our way to the food court. We passed by so many people and so many little stores. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack but something was just keeping me calm. Was it Blake? Could she have been the reason I was so calm? Even if she was, it wouldn't make any sense. How could she be the only person who keeps me calm?

"Hey! Sophia?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Blake calling my name. She was standing in front of me with a look of concern. How long was I spaced out? 

"Huh? Sorry, I was just thinking." I spoke softly before I looked down and let my hair fall into my face. I pushed up my glasses as I looked at the carpet pattern on the ground.

"Oh, that's okay. But we're here! There's food!" She slightly shouted in front of everyone. I was going to look up and tell her that she should be a little quieter before I felt her grab my hand. She started to pull me as she started running to what I imagine was the food court. I tried to keep up but I just kept staring at our joined hands as we ran.

Was this a normal thing for people to do? To hold hands as they ran together?

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

It wasn't long before she stopped running. My legs that tried to keep up with her just kept running until I ran into her back. I rubbed my forehead before taking a step back and realized what I had done.

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry! I-I-" I stuttered as I took a few more steps backward.

"Hey, it's okay. We're here." She turned around and gave me a genuine smile before she walked up to a table. Peter was sitting down and eating what looks to be candy and Claire and Hunter were sitting next to each other and talking. Were they okay now?

"Hey, guys!" Blake said as she sat across from Peter. I sat next to her which was across from Hunter and Claire. As they talked, I started looking around. There were so many places to order food from. Anything from pizza to Chinese to a pretzel place. There were so many smells and colors and it was just so incredible. I have never been to a mall before but this was definitely a good first trip. 

Especially when Blake and I went to PetSmart. I felt bad for keeping her so long but I couldn't help it. There were so many cute puppies and kittens and fishes... And the little parakeets dancing on their swings. I smiled thinking about how beautiful all of the little animals are.

"Darling? Does that sound okay with you?" I looked over at Claire and saw that everyone was staring at me. Had they asked me a question? I blushed and looked down as I picked at my fingernails. I really have to stop spacing out.

"Uh, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't h-hear you." I stuttered as I let my hair fall into my face again. I pushed up my glasses as I looked down at my lap.

"That's okay. We were just talking about getting some food for lunch. Everyone wants something a little different so we were just going to all order from somewhere different. Does that sound okay with you?" Blake spoke softly as her blue eyes peered into mine. Her hand was on my shoulder and she had a small smile on her face. I slowly nodded as I looked at her.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

"Great! Let's leave all of our stuff here and go get some food!" Peter yelled before he got up and started skipping away from the table. Hunter and Claire got up and walked away from the table in a different direction. Blake stood up but she didn't go anywhere. Didn't she want to go and get food?

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