Chapter 57

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"We have an experimental drug treatment that can cure you?" Who the hell is we? It's got to be the CIA. That's how they were able to find us.

But they haven't found us have they? Why else would they be trying to get us to call them?

Maybe we should call. What if it really is some kind of oversight group in the government, and not the CIA. What if they really do have a cure? We don't have much time left.

Why would the oversight group bother to help us? We're small potatoes. It was the CIA that probably gave this to us in the first place. Why would they be offering to cure us now?

But if they know what it was they exposed us with, they probably know how to cure it too.

Maybe. Guess we have nothing to lose by calling. We'll just make sure we take the necessary precautions to keep them from tracing it to our true location.

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