Chapter 19

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"They'll most likely be keeping samples in vials like one of these." Simon held up three small plastic vials for Agent Sanchez to see. Each one was of a slightly different size, but they all contained the same clear liquid.

Anna Sanchez stood in front of Simon's desk, her stoic look fully hiding the excitement of being briefed by her superior. This was going to be her first solo field assignment.

Simon stood up from his desk to get a better look at the raven-haired beauty standing in front of him. She was the first daughter in a long line of sons of one of the original OPS agents descended from Mexican nobility. Her ties dated back to the origins of OPS; to an agent handpicked by President Lincoln himself. He stared intently at her for nearly a minute, assessing her mental and physical capabilities for the task at hand. Her jaw was set in a determined clench, with no trace of doubt in her eyes. She would be able to handle the stress of a covert mission. Her lithe form and well-proportioned limbs meant she would be able to navigate through the air ducts if necessary, and be able to move quickly and silently. Even as dispassionate and professional as his assessment was, he was unable to keep his mind from briefly flitting to an appreciation of her raw sexuality and perfect features. She was stunning. Catching himself in this line of thought, Simon focused his mind back on the task that awaited the young agent.

"They will be kept in a tray, which will be locked away in a freezer. The lock will be a five-digit keypad."

"But how will we get the code?"

"You won't need the code because we have this." Simon said as he held up a plain white card. It was the size and shape of a typical credit card, and had the same magnetic stripe. "This is the master service key for that particular lock model. Insert the card into the slot, and punch in this sequence." Simon handed her a slip of paper with a long sequence of numbers on it. "This will unlock the freezer. "

"How did you get the master service key?" With barely a pause, Simon gave the junior agent a penetrating stare to let her know too many questions were being asked.

"You're to find the tray marked differently than the rest," continued Simon, without answering her question.

"Those will have various codes, most likely four letters long, for identifying the virus in the vials. The one you're looking for will probably be labeled 'Reference Samples.' Take one of those vials, and substitute it with the corresponding one of these." Simon tossed the three vials to the agent, who deftly caught them, but a panicked look flashed across her face as she did so. Simon let out a grim chuckle. "Don't worry. These are just filled with saline, and they wouldn't have broken even if you hadn't caught them. Anyway, you should have no trouble lifting the label off the vial and transferring it onto the replacement. Store the real one in this." Simon handed the agent a canister with a self contained refrigeration unit. It was disguised as a stainless steel travel coffee mug to ensure it would pass screening at the airport.

Simon gave his final instruction. "Be very careful with that one. A mistake will likely kill you, and it will be messy."

☣ ☣ ☣

After the briefing, Agent Sanchez gathered her gear from the OPS supply center and finished packing at home.

This was it. Her first solo mission. Her chance to prove herself, and show she could be trusted with challenging assignments. Sanchez believed in her training, and benefited from the confidence gained in consistently excelling amongst her peers during the many drills and tests designed by OPS. The younger agents all possessed a fearlessness, and rightly so, based on their skill, but also from the feeling of invincibility that is natural to the inexperienced. One does not fear what one does not know, or can't imagine. Sanchez knew she was ready, but unlike her peers, and unusual for her age, she possessed an awareness of reality, and knew she should not be too confident lest she become careless. On this mission she would have no one to rely on, no one to back her up. Even still, she allowed her confidence to slip momentarily. What if I get caught? What if the key code doesn't work?

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