Chapter 66

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"Most of the group can stay here," Gary offered. "We don't all need to go into the area. It's a pretty good hike in, about a full day's worth, so we'll be faster with a small group. Probably safer too."

The drive to the Olympic National Forest had been largely uneventful, boring even, except that they had stopped and rested a few hours with one of Bubba's Z network connections in Kennewick, Washington.

On their way out, they had encountered people on the roof of a shopping mall surrounded by zombies. At first they thought the people were trapped, and needed rescuing, but when they got closer they could see that these people were shooting the zombies for sport. They were laughing and challenging each other to shoot at specific parts, to see if they could blow them off. The group quickly turned away in disgust, and continued toward the Olympic Peninsula.

The only snag in their trip had been getting stopped by National Guard troops as they tried to get around Yakima. Simon took care of the situation by exchanging some words with the commanding officer, and flashing a badge at him.

It was just before dusk that the group arrived at the trailhead leading to the campground where Gary and his family had stayed those many years ago. The parking lot was deserted, and the ranger station was empty.

"There aren't any other cars here except for ours, so there shouldn't be any zombified campers near by," Bubba exclaimed. "All the same, we should check the surroundings just to make sure before we settle in for the night. I assume we won't be hiking in until morning?"

"Right," answered Simon. "Gary and I will go in to get the plant as soon as it's light."

"I'd like to help," Mary said bravely.

"Count me in too," Earl stated firmly, while looking Mary in the eye.

"Wait. I'm coming with you," Natalie found her emotional side speaking before her rationale side could stop her. She wanted to make sure Gary was okay. Simon would see to that, but she felt if she left Gary's side she may never see him again, and that was a chance she was not willing to take.

Simon's eyes darted back and forth between the four, quickly assessing the situation. He could tell it was not worth the effort to object. Staring at Gary and Natalie, he thought, What bizarre twist of fate caused these two to be key to the survival of the U.S., and maybe the world? And I have to ensure their safety?To top it off, now they choose to start something? If the world is going to hell, I might as well finish what I started back in college."Fine. If something happens to me, the four of you..." Simon stopped as he noticed Bubba and Dean exchanging looks.

"We're coming too." Bubba said, as Dean nodded in agreement. "Have to make sure Natalie stays safe."

"One of you should stay with the others; make sure they're all okay." Simon continued.

"You should stay, Bubba," Dean said. "We can't have all the group's leaders going into the forest."

"And someone needs to stay with Amanda," Gary added. "She's comfortable with you, Bubba."

Bubba was not happy with this development, but reluctantly nodded his head, agreeing that his staying behind was best for the group.

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