Chapter 53

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Emergency Alert! Are they using our invention to communicate with us? Is there going to be a different message today, or will it be the same as yesterday’s?

Here it is… They understand where we’re coming from?

How do they know what we went through? They weren’t there. They can’t relate to us!

We know that a branch of the Government did this to you a long time ago, and what they did was wrong, but they never accepted responsibility, or tried to make things right by you.”

Damn straight they didn’t!

Things have changed since then. We’re from a different branch of Government, and we want to help you now. We want to make things up to you for the injustice you’ve suffered.” Well, it’s about time!

Make things up to us? It’s a bit too late for that now, isn’t it? What can they do for us now? According to the doctors, we don’t have that much time left, do we?

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