Chapter 17

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After completing his notes, Gary sat back and reflected on their exchange for some time. He then checked that the file was properly secured, got up from his computer, and walked slowly to Natalie’s office. Without hesitating, he knocked, and immediately entered without waiting for a response.

“This is getting to be a habit with you Gary.” A sharp edge was still in Natalie’s voice. “What do you want?”

“I came to apologize. I’m really sorry for suggesting that you didn’t take the threat seriously. I’m sorry I didn’t remember the times you mentioned the furlough. I’m sorry I don’t pay attention. I’m sor...”

“Okay I get it. You’re sorry.” Natalie interrupted, sounding unconvinced.

“I’m sorry for a lot of things,” Gary wrapped up. “I know I pushed you out of your ethical comfort zone, and I know the huge risk you took when you chose to help me. It means everything to know you believe me. For that, I am grateful.” Then, to change the tone of the conversation, Gary shifted the topic. “So, do you have any suggestions for what I can do for a whole month? What are you planning?”

An urge to tell Gary what he could do to himself for a month flitted briefly through Natalie’s thoughts, which she managed to suppress. Instead she said, “I’ve wanted to go back to a ramp festival for a long time now, but I’ve never had long enough a break to do it.”

“Ramp festival? You mean like those things for loading barrels onto ships, or maybe for wheelchair access? They have festivals for inclined planes?” Gary grinned like an idiot.

“No-oo.” Natalie’s expression clearly showed she did not find Gary’s comment to be the least bit funny. “The Ramp Tramp Festival. Ramps are those wild leeks that are indigenous to the Appalachians. They taste a lot like garlic, only better, but you’ll stink to high heaven for nearly a week after you eat them.” Natalie said, as she wrinkled her nose. “That’s why I haven’t had any since high school, and that’s why I’m actually kind of glad this furlough is happening now.”

“Oh Allium tri-something... tricoccum. Allium tricoccum. That’s it. I read about them once. They’re supposed to be quite tasty – I’ve always wanted to try them. I guess that’ll be a silver lining for you.... Any other plans?’

“I think I’ll visit with my parents for a bit before they fly out to Europe for a two-month cruise. Then I’ll go up to Chattanooga to see some friends from high school. A lot of them went there after college. There’s not much to do in Blue Ridge, after all. Then, I’ll probably spend a couple of weeks hiking the A.T.”

“The Appalachian Trail? You’re going by yourself?” Gary sounded a bit concerned.

“No, of course not. Do you remember Bubba and the gang? The guys I put the Office of Public Health in touch with to consult on the zombie apocalypse theming for the emergency preparedness website?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Gary tried responding casually. He didn’t want Natalie to know that he remembered Bubba quite well. Admittedly Bubba was cool even by guy standards, and deep down inside Gary knew they were just old childhood friends, but ever since that college incident with his old roommate, he was always a bit over-reactive when it came to Natalie and other men.

Plus, it looks like Tyler will be able to go up with me. He says he’s always wanted to hike it, but having grown up in that huge metropolitan area of Atlanta, he never got the chance” Natalie said sarcastically.

“Who’s Tyler?”

“Oh my God, Gary, He’s my boyfriend! I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned him to you over the last year.”

“Really, I have no recollection of any.... I guess I didn’t notice.” She has a boyfriend? When did that happen? The panicky thought threatened Gary with a nervous breakdown.

“We met when I had to change insurance for my car? We met at his agency?”

“Wait, you’re dating your insurance agent?”

“No. Well yes. I mean, no. He opened his own agency. He’s very successful. Come on. You don’t remember any of this? Got a business administration degree majoring in risk management? Any of that ringing a bell?”


“He was captain of his high school football team? Played for Georgia State before a blown knee permanently sidelined him?”

“So, he was a Bulldog?”

“No, that’s the University of Georgia. They’re in Athens, and part of the SEC. Tyler played for Georgia State in Atlanta. They’re in, um, a different conference.”

“Sounds really impressive,” adding under his breath, “not.” Then aloud, “Anyway, none of this sounds familiar. Are you sure you told me about him before?”

“Do you even listen to anything I say?”

“Of course I do.”

“Only when it’s something that interests you.”

“No. You said he studied risk management. I’m not the least bit interested in that.” Gary looked intently at Natalie, and asked “Are you? I mean, you’re a scientist.”

“This isn’t about me. It’s about you not listening to what I say.”

It was the most annoyed Gary had ever heard her. He was unsure how to respond without getting himself into more trouble with her, and Natalie’s plans were giving Gary ideas, so he changed topics. “You know? that doesn’t sound like a bad idea... heading back home, I mean. I’ve been meaning to visit the folks back in Washington, and some hiking may be just what I need. He absent-mindedly typed some notes into his smartphone calendar as his mind drifted to furlough planning. “Book Flight to SeaTac. Book rental car. Pick up rental car at airport.” Gas was really cheap at this one place in Port Townsend, I should fill up there.... “Get gas in Port Townsend.” Maybe I’ll switch to a cab and just return the car there. On second thought I don’t really want to be stuck at their place without a car.... “Drive to Carlsborg – Visit parents.”

“Gary!” Natalie barked, clearly annoyed. “You were just apologizing about not paying attention, and then you do it again! Now, you’ve drifted off to something else.”

“Sorry, I guess I started thinking about everything I need to do to get out there, but I’m also preoccupied with this vaccine issue.” Gary grew very serious, “Mother Nature is not going to be taking any time off from this. I just hope she doesn’t stumble on the mutation while we’re vacationing.”

Gary seemed legitimately worried about the situation enough that Natalie decided she was not going to let him get to her so soon before her vacation. “Look, a month will pass quickly. Before we know it we’ll be able to work on that vaccine and avert the ‘all hell breaks loose’ crisis you’ve been badgering me about for the last few years. What could possibly happen in the next twenty-eight days?”

Suddenly having a thought regarding Gary’s recent reactions, Natalie asked, “You’re not jealous about Tyler or these guys I’ve been talking about are you?”

“Jealous? No, of course not.” Gary grinned boyishly as he looked down at his feet. Why would I be jealous? It’s not as though I have a snowball’s chance in hell with you anyway. “You’re right, what’s the worst that could happen? The chances of a natural mutation occurring and causing a pandemic in the next month are approximately 3,720 to 1. Just kidding... never mind. Have fun at your ramp festival, and hiking the A.T.... See you next month Natalie.”

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