Chapter 39

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“Double cappuccino, dry!” the barrista called out her order which she could just hear above the captivating, complex sound of her favorite goth band streaming from her earbuds. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the music with each slow breath. Thank God for my playlist. I don’t know how I would have survived that weekend with Mom without my music. What was she thinking? Taking me to a jazz festival... ugh. To top it off I think I caught a cold. Great - just in time for finals week.

“Thank you” she managed, as she cleared her throat, and dropped change into the tip jar. Grabbing her drink, she made her way past the other patrons and out the door, headed in for the subway station entrance. She didn’t particularly care for the early Monday morning classes that forced her to ride into the main campus during rush hour, but the stops for an espresso drink and a savory, decadent bacon and Gruyere scone from her favorite bakery made it bearable. The walk from the bakery to the station was just long enough to allow her to finish her drink and half the scone; she would save the rest for the break after class. Getting caught eating on the subway was a hundred dollar fine. Once was enough to make that lesson stick.

As she made her way down the steps of the subway entrance, she was surprised by the sudden, uncontrollable coughing fit that violently racked her body and made her lightheaded, causing her to lose her balance and nearly topple down the stairs. Luckily she was able to grab the railing to catch herself, and ease her way to the platform level. She could feel the annoyed and disgusted looks of the mindless and dull gray suits inconvenienced by having to make their way around her, as they passively allowed themselves to think it was acceptable not to be bothered to deviate from their drone-like paths to ask if she was alright. Thanks for nothing.

The train arrived and she boarded. As expected there were no seats and she found a place to stand near the front of the car. Man, this cold is taking a turn for the worse. My throat is killing me and I can’t stop coughing. The train was packed. There was nowhere for the riders to go and they had to endure breathing in her germs, but what was she going to do?

She reached her destination at the university, feeling a little lethargic and achy as she made the 10 minute trek to the north side of campus. Normally this was an easy stroll, but today the effort made her sweat, and her breathing was labored. She had to rest, and found an empty bench along the path through the quad. At that moment a group of her friends noticed her and knew something wasn’t quite right. They were a tight group of friends, so they immediately went over to see what was going on. She accepted a sip from her friend’s water bottle as well as the hugs of encouragement that she feel better soon.

When she felt she caught her breath, they walked together the rest of the way to the large lecture hall filled with other undergrads fulfilling their Econ 1105 requirement. A coughing fit racked her body again as she entered. Oh God... this is going to be a long class.

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