Chapter 44

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As the Ford Explorer crossed over the Ocoee River, Simon’s phone rang. Gary immediately picked it up and answered, “Great timing Natalie. We’re just about to enter town.”

A sultry female voice responded hesitantly,” This isn’t Natalie. I’m calling for...” The woman on the other end paused for a moment, unsure whether to hang up before continuing, “Mister Zaine. Do I have the right number?”

“Yes. He’s right here.” Gary handed Simon the phone, with a reminder, “We have to call Natalie back soon.”

Simon answered the phone with a terse “This is Zaine. Go,” knowing that the only people who would be asking for him at this number would be with OPS.

“Sir, based on the evidence collected, and the profile that we’ve constructed, we believe the subject to be a Norman Harris employed by the CDC as a lab technician. Loner. He served in Iraq. Scored very high on his aptitude tests. Later attended Georgia Tech and earned both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in biomedical engineering.

“Go on,” prompted Simon.

“His medical records show that he has terminal cancer. Doctors gave him months to live. He’s got about four of those left. We believe he blames the military for causing the cancer, and also the VA doctor for not detecting it sooner while it could still be treated.”

“Do you believe that’s what’s driving this? A desire for revenge?”

“Yes sir. Based on his profile, we believe he’s become delusional and paranoid; he’s blaming everyone for everything bad that’s ever happened to him, and he’s using the virus as a means to get back at the world.”

“Good work. Keep me informed if you find out anything new.” Simon hung up the phone and turned to Gary. He was about to ask Gary if he knew this Norman Harris, but then thought better of it, and instead just handed him the phone. “We’re entering Ocoee. Call Natalie. Tell her the cavalry’s on its way. Then you can tell me about these... zombies.”

Gary hastily dialed Natalie’s number, which he now knew by heart, and immediately started talking as soon as he heard her voice. “We’re in Ocoee, on U.S. Highway 74, coming in from the east. Where are you?”

“We’re off of U.S. 411. When you come off the exit, take a right, the hospital is about three miles ahead. You can’t miss it. There will be a large sign for the Polk County Regional Medical Center. We’re down on level B2. Take a right from the lobby, down two sets of long ramps, all the way to the end, and then take a left. They’ve got us trapped in the room at the end of the hallway. Hurry, Gary. I don’t know how long we can keep them out. Be care....” The call disconnected before Natalie could complete her sentence. Gary tried calling back but no one answered.

“Hurry!” Gary was almost yelling at Simon. “Up there, take that exit on the right, then turn right onto 411. They’re in the Polk County Regional Medical Center about three miles up.”

Moments later, Simon pulled the Explorer into the parking lot of the medical center. It was built in the middle of an empty field, backed up against the hillside. The Center was more the size of a community hospital, and for a community hospital, it looked to be on the small side. Gary estimated that it had no more than fifty beds. On the other hand, for a town with only around fifteen-hundred people, it was surprising that there was a hospital here at all. There were larger cities with larger hospitals within a relatively short drive from town.

As they drove up to the main entrance, they could see that something was very wrong. The lot was full of cars, but no one was in sight. A large smear of blood marred the surface of the double glass doors. Stopping the Explorer in front of them, Simon turned to Gary and asked, “What did Natalie say? Did she tell you anything about these zombies that we can use?”

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