Chapter 65 - Hamilton

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Hamilton, Montana! This is an interesting place to choose to meet. Bet they didn't expect us to get here almost a week early.

That's odd. Where are all the people? This place seems really deserted. We'd better drive around this town to get a better sense of what's going on. Could they have gotten here first and set a trap for us after all?

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It looked like there were some people moving around through the window over at that hospital. Let's go check it out, but be careful. It could be the feds.

Why is the door chained? Wow. Those people in the hospital all look like they're infected with my virus. How is that possible? Could the virus have spread this far so quickly?

Wonder who barricaded them in there?

Probably the same government types that want to trap us. We should help these poor zombies out....

We could hook that tow strap around the door handles and pull the door off.

Good idea, but we'll need to be more careful after they are free.

Yes... good point. After we set them free, we should go look for others that might be held captive.

We shouldn't forget the morgue. They may be holding some there too.

Won't those CIA-types be surprised when they get here?

Let's make sure we're in a good spot where the zombies don't get to us before we can trap those feds, though.

Now, how do we turn the tables on these people? Are we going to trap them instead? Or maybe let all the zombies we freed take care of them?

Those zombies are probably not that good at trapping feds. No. We should stick to what we're good at. We'll spray them with a dose of their own virus. Turn them into zombies too.

But, what if they really do have something that will cure us?

And what if they do? Do we really think they're just going to give it to us and let us go free? After what we've done?

No, that's not likely, is it? Let's go see what's in this town. Free all the zombies, and maybe even figure out where they'll be setting up their trap.

Maybe we can find a good spot to set one up ourselves.

We should also go stock up on some supplies....

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