Chapter 8 - Spiderman, Spiderman

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I feel exhausted and everything hurts. Talk about feeling my age. The crisp wind whips through my hair dragging the long locks across my face as I walk through the deserted alley. After landing I needed some fresh air so I was walking home from the airport.

A large grin tugged at the corners of my mouth at the familiar scuttle of feet on the walls above me "Hello Spidey."

A long groan sounded above me as the neighborhood Spiderman dropped onto the alley beside me. The young hero's head hung low and he sulked beside me "Seriously Miss Layla one day you have to teach me how you know I'm there without having spider senses."

I just chuckle ruffling the kids masked head "When you live as long as I have you get a knack for detecting people behind you." Even with the mask I know the kids giving me a bitch face. I just laugh shooting him a wink "Now I think you are about to stop mugging."

"What?!..." That's all he gets out before shoveling him lightly back as I turn the corner throwing on a mask of vulnerability and frailness. I know there was someone there hiding behind the dumpster just waiting for me to walk by.

Sure enough as soon as I stroll by it I hear the scuffle of someone coming out of hiding.

"Hey babe you shouldn't be alone on a night like this." The very sound of his drooling voice makes me want to hurl in my mouth, scratch Spiderman getting scum off the streets I might kick his ass first. "Don't worry honey daddy's gonna take great care off you." I nearly choke on my own vomit as the slime ball grabs my arm. Fuck this shit.

Spinning around I break his grip on my arm and punch the bag of shit in the face sending him tumbling back. I hope his nose is broken.

"I will make you pay bitch." The man screams clutching his bleeding nose. The asshole whips out a knife and tries to stab me but I side step him, tripping him on his way by sending him tumbling into a pile of trash.

"Hey man didn't your mama ever teach you not to hit a women." Peter swings down from the roof quickly webbing the man's wrist to the trash can. Before he turns to me.

"You okay Miss?" I try really hard not to smile and play quickly nodding as Peter collects my bag I had dropped when the pig had grabbed me. He's such a little gentleman.

"I WILL SQUASH YOU BUG!" A gun appeared in his hand as he pulled the trigger.

"No!" a scream of terror escapes my lips as I watch the bullet fly towards Peter's back. The boy sensed the bullet coming and tried to avoid it but the bastard unloaded the rest of the clip at him. Peter! He was too close to avoid all of them. One was headed straight for his back but at the last second I jumped in between them. I could feel the familiar pain of the bullet tearing through my vital organs. At such a close range it didn't take a marksman to shoot straight. I was fucking dying.

The world wavered around me as my warm blood leaked out in between my fingers.

I could barely hear Peter screaming, begging me to not go but the shot had been fatal. Dying was my only way out. I can't blame the boy for being scared. He had never seen me die before and the trauma of seeing another person he knew die before him would tear him apart. Maybe when I woke up we would go get ice cream. 

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