Chapter 21 - Hangry Bitch

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I could sense them standing behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know they were there. "How did you find me?" Every inch of my being wanted to run and internal battle raged. Do I run or face them?

"Stark had Friday track you." the blonde one explained. I cocked my head at them carefully drinking in every curve of their bodies.

The brown hair one smiled seductively "Like what you see doll?"

A smicker pulled at the corner of my lips "You could say that. But I do realize I never ask your names."

"I'm Steve Rogers." Steve's smile was disarmingly "And this is Bucky Barnes."

Well shit! I got a bunch of super soldiers for mates, no wonder they talked like a bunch of 40's boys.

I climbed back onto my bike starting the engine "We should be getting back to the tower."

"Who was she?" Bucky's question made me pause for a second

"Claire was my everything." with that I left them in a cloud of dust. 

I raced the bike back to the tower screeching into the garage, my hand instinctively touching my jacket where the power source was. I felt connected to it somehow ever since I first touched it she felt stronger, more powerful.

My long strides carried me quickly through the tower as my mind raised running every scenario. With the stone on me Victor would come to me and I could draw him away from the others. My soulmates are a liability, connecting the bond could prove to be an asset. The bond would allow me to feel if they are in danger. I couldn't think straight with an empty stomach, I needed some food.

"Hold up!" Someone called from behind me. I didn't break my stride. Instead I quickly glanced over my shoulder for a split second to see Bucky jogging towards me. "Please can I just talk to you please doll?!"

I stepped into the elevator holding the door letting Bucky get in "What can I do for you Bucky?" As much as I wanted to give Steve and Bucky the cold shoulder and pray to the Universe to be kind and make them forget me. But the Universe was a dick and the soul bond would never allow me to ever escape them, the burn of my arm was a constant reminder of that. Bruce might be right if I continue to deny the bond would only bring us pain.

Bucky was rubbing his hands together nervously making me notice the glove on his left hand but it was the desperate look that strained his face "Please I need to know if it is me? Am I the reason you are rejecting us? I understand, I have hurt people under Hydra's control" Bucky's brown eyes were watering with unshed tears "Steve does not deserve to suffer because of my mistakes..."

"Oh for fuck sakes!" I exclaimed cutting Bucky off in the middle of his rant. A long sigh escaped my lips as I brushed my loose hair back from my face. I may be immortal but I get hungry like a human. "Bucky, I am not rejecting you or Steve because of the things either of you have done. I am trying to protect you two from me. Stark told me that Fury has issued a warrant on my fine ass which means you know all about me. I'm nearly three hundred years old and I have killed more than twice that. I have enemies that make people quake in their shoes, people who would hurt you both just to get to me. And I will not put you in danger because the Universe wants to fuck with me. Now if you will excuse me I have a sandwich to find before my stomach decides to start world war three."

Bucky wiped his eyes quickly making me roll my eyes, men with no emotions such an old world thing. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed and the desperation was replaced with a flirtatious young man "Stevie will be making dinner right about now. If you would like to eat I would be happy to escort you."

A snicker tugged at the corner of my lips as I shot him a wink "I have a fast metabolism, a trait I'm guessing many of your teammates share. Darling I haven't eaten since yesterday so if I don't eat within the next twenty minutes I am going to redefine the meaning of raging bitch."

Bucky's eyes twinkled with amusement "Well alright then I guess we should get you some food."

The elevator doors slid open and Bucky guided me out of the elevator towards the kitchen. I chose to cherish the little things while I can because tonight Victor would come and seek to destroy all of this. 

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