Chapter 40 - A Second Chance Not Wasted

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Peter died. The power I had barely scratched exploded from me in bursts of golden energy. I didn't care about anything else, just getting Peter back.

I had never entered the Soul Realm before without first dying in some gruesome way. This was different as the room faded. I wrapped my energy tightly around Peter's body protecting it.

Peter's body faded from my arm leaving me kneeling in the familiar golden orange water of the soul realm. Claire wasn't waiting for me this time instead a small child stood before me.

"Hello, Peter." This child couldn't be more than four or five but the mop of brown curls and hazel eyes was unmistakable. This must have been how he looked about the time his parents died.

Pete as I have decided to call him shyly scampered away from me as I slowly got to my feet. This child held an old curiosity that had long since dimed in Peter's eyes. This was Peter's soul the most purest of reflections.

"Where are we Miss Layla?" Pete whispered, shooting nervous glances towards the arch "Are we dead?"

"Not quite yet. Isn't that right mom?"

"Claire!" There she stood glowing slightly in the light of the golden sun shining against her back.

Claire ignored me for the moment instead focusing her attention on Pete "Welcome to the Soul Realm Mr. Parker."

I gently pushed Pete behind me, hiding him from Claire's view "Hi honey, how have you been?"

"Mom, don't do this." Claire pleaded, reaching her hand out towards me. I didn't want to fight my own child yet I couldn't just let Peter die.

I slowly shook my head, backing away from her "I'm sorry daughter but I won't let him die not when I can save him. If I could have saved you all those years ago wouldn't you have wanted me too?"

"Mom, I don't think..."

"Don't!" I angrily growled, cutting her off before she had a chance to reply "Don't tell me that somehow it was all meant to be because I call bull shit. Do you even remember your death? That night when those fucking gangsters came and sprayed our house with bullets like cowards. When they killed you and your mate before my very eyes. You both had your whole lives infront of you and then because of some fucking gang war it was snuffed out just like that. I would have done the same thing then if I knew how. Do you not think that I have spent everyday thinking about how I could have saved you then! You are my daughter! It was my duty as your mother to protect you from the evil of the world and I failed you. I have a chance to save a child who has suffered because of my failure and I intend to do it even if it means standing against you, daughter."

Claire smiled gloomily as she looked back at the arch "My life was amazing while it lasted and yes it was short. Sometimes I do wonder what it would have been like if Ethan and I had survived but it was our time. Ethan is waiting for me but for now I have a task to complete, I wouldn't be able to stop you mom even if I tried but I just want to understand why you were doing this."

I lifted Pete onto my hip clutching the small child to my chest as I met my daughter's eyes for the last time. "If you understand then maybe you will find it possible to someday forgive me for what I am about to do. Good bye honey."

Claire didn't say anything as I drew the golden energy to the surface and fell back into the waters of the Soul Realm. I closed my eyes as Pete and I fell tumbling through nothingness until with a gasp I returned to my body. My only thought was if Peter was back as well,

"It's okay I got you..." suddenly Peter convulsed, clutching onto me as he regained consciousness. It worked, it had actually worked.

Peter choked desperately sucking in air and his eyes focused "Miss Layla?"

"Hey kid! Welcome back." 

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