Chapter 6 - I Will Find You

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I wake up to someone one shaking my shoulder gently. I jump up with a jerk seizing the person who woke me by the arm, my other hand grabbing down at my thigh where my gun usually is. But it's not there.

The thing that brings me out of it is the soft beeping of the heart monitor. I realize I was holding a frightened Catherine. Shit.

"I'm so sorry." Quickly letting her go I slump back into the chair.

Catherine seems surprisingly calm considering "Military right?"

I smile a little squeezing Katy's sleeping hand "What gave it away?"

She laughed lightly "My husband was a marine. He did two tours before he was honorably discharged. He was the same way when I tried to wake him up." The use of 'was' made my heart drop a little. Downside of immortality I see it over and over, people live, they suffer, they die and I can do nothing. But I must say they have invented some delicious like the warm black coffee I gratefully accept from Catherine. She starts to check on Katy's many machines and I drink down the scolding hot liquid. Upside to immortality I don't burn my tongue on hot coffee anymore.

"How did you two meet?" Catherine tries to strike up a conversation as she works.

Most of the time I would avoid personal questions but this seemed harmless. "Katy was a family friend on my mom's side. I met her not long after I joined the army" It wasn't exactly a lie. Katy and I had met when I was in the army, we had been in a special ops unit together before I faked my death and left.

Suddenly Katy's hand weakly tightness around mine as the steady beeping of the heart monitor skyrockets. Catherine starts yelling for help as I leap from my chair the coffee cup slipping from my hand. Death has become an old friend but I am not ready to lose her like this. Doctors start swarming around me as Catherine pushes me out of the room, Katy's lifeless touch lingers on my hand for a brief second before the connection is broken. Then it's gone, she's gone.

The world around me seems to go numb as the doctors slowly lay a sheet over the lifeless body. Katy had been my last connection to my old lives now she was gone.

I don't know when I had sat down but here I was sitting right outside Katy's old room. I don't know how much time had passed and everything seemed to move on without me. Someone had tried to ask me if I was okay but noone mattered right now,

"She used to talk about you." Catherine tiredly sits beside me "Used to tell myself and the other nurses all kinds of things about her adopted daughter Layla."She held out a small package towards me "She wanted to give this to you when you came."

I barely speak more than a whisper "Thank you Catherine. For everything." with that I walked away from the hospital, the package clutched tightly in my hand.

A few hours later I am squished between a very large drooling man and a window watching the clouds fly by around us. When I left the hospital I had immediately packed my bag and booked a plane ride home. Now, here I am with Katy's package laying in my lap listening to the annoyingly loud snoring of the man next to me. I mean seriously did he swallow a fog horn or something. I would rather take my chances outside the plane then listen to this anymore.

Trying to focus on something else I slowly opened the package before me inside was an old black and white framed picture of two women. My thumb mindlessly stroked the glass I remember when this photo had been taken. Katy and I along with about ten other women had dropped into the jungle to free a village from a local gang. After a successful mission we had celebrated. The photo was of the two of us still in combat uniform holding bottles of local beer grinning like idiots into the camera, my sniper still strapped to my back. With the photo was a note. Katy's chicken scratch handwriting brings a small smile to my face as I read...

Hey you old fart. If you're reading this it probably means I am dead. I do not hold any regret. After we parted I met my soulmate he was a firefighter and I was his little flame. I have lived a good life. My only remorse was leaving you. After the army I should not have left you like I did. I hope that someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I can already feel my life slipping away and I know I don't have much time left but thank you for saving me and letting me have a chance at happiness. I hope that you got that bar you always wanted and that you have met your soulmates. I know you think you don't deserve them but you're wrong. Because you above everyone else deserves a chance to be happy. So if you get the chance of love take it and never let go.

Your friend and Comrade

Katy King

Large wet spots begin to appear on the note smudging the ink as I quickly wipe my eyes letting my head fall back onto the headrest. Even in death Katy was right. For over two hundred years time had been obsolete, I was no longer shackled by it. But at the same time I was missing everything. My mates were alive and dare I say drop dead gorgeous. I never even gave them a chance to understand because I didn't want them to reject me. I need to find them and explain. And I know just the man who can help me. 

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