Chapter 20 - Claire Jones

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-Claire Jones Face Claim-

My entire existence was full of lies, manipulation, and death. I never had anything to live for without an end in sight. So I did what I always did, I ran. I ran to the garage and grabbed the bike keys off the wall, I drove until the burning of my arm faded. But the pain in my heart refused to fade, that look of betrayal on their faces was carved into my mind. I didn't want to feel that pain. I don't want to care about them but I do just like I cared about her.

I drove without a destination, speeding through the city weaving in and out of traffic until everyone else faded away leaving just me and the road.

Then I stopped, killing the engine I climbed off the bike as my hand reached for the locket. It had been so long since I last stood here, the weeds had overgrown the tombstones and the church stood abandoned. Time had taken its toll on an innocent little church and the little graveyard beside it. I wonder if I return in a hundred years if this would still be standing or if it would all be lost to the dust of time.

My boots rustled the leaves of the ground as I made my way between the graves running my fingers along the rough stone until I stopped at the one I searched for.

Claire Jones

Beloved Daughter

May 6 1901 - July 27 1926

For a second my fingers glowed a faint golden as I lovely brushed the moss of the stone.

"What took you so long?" a faint smile graced my lips at the sound of the voice behind me.

I slowly turned around to face her "I'm sorry, I guess I just lost track of time."

There she was looking as beautiful as always. Her brown hair fell in waves around her face accenting her large brown eyes. She smiled as her eyes twinkled like the night sky. "You're here now and that is all that matters." She reached out to me but her hand went right thru mine.

I smiled sheepishly as I retraced my hand "Sorry, I just wish you were really here honey. I should tell you that I met them then uncle Victor paid me a visit."

Claire laughed softly "Are they handsome?"

"Drop dead gorgeous."

"But?..." She dragged it out trying to pull the answer from me.

Signing I pinched the bridge of my nose "You know why I can't. Victor will kill them if he finds out,he will do anything to get the stone. Anything to make my life a living hell."

"Uncle Victor is in pain and is lashing out at everyone around him. You can't let him keep you from the people you are meant to be with." Claire exclaimed angrily "If I could I would slap the shit out of you. How daft can you be, this is your one chance? Straighten up and take control or I will find a way to slap the shit out of you!"

I couldn't help but laugh a little "You are right you are always right. Where would I be without you honey?"

Claire smiled "Dead. Permanently dead. Don't stay away too long this time mom." then she was gone. I couldn't help the tear that slid down my cheek.

I knelt and carefully moved the stones from the foot of the grave. I whispered a silent thank you to Claire for keeping the power source safe.

With one final look at her stone I tucked the powersource into my jacket.

I could sense them standing behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know they were there. "How did you find me?" Every inch of my being wanted to run and internal battle raged. Do I run or face them?

"Stark had Friday track you." the blonde one explained. I cocked my head at them carefully drinking in every curve of their bodies.

The brown hair one smiled seductively "Like what you see doll?"

A smicker pulled at the corner of my lips "You could say that. But I do realize I never ask your names."

"I'm Steve Rogers." Steve's smile was disarmingly "And this is Bucky Barnes."

Well shit! I got a bunch super soldier for mates, no wonder they talked like a bunch a 40's boys.

I climbed back onto my bike starting the engine "We should be getting back to the tower."

"Who was she?" Bucky's question made me pause for a second

"Claire was my everything." with that I left them in a cloud of dust. 

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