Chapter 3 - Run for London

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After a mend to a sprain ankle and calling a taxi I finally made it back to my small apartment in Queens. I mean I have money and could move but I kinda like the cozy feeling this place gives me.

I can't believe they showed up at the bar. After all these centuries. Slowly collapsing onto my worn couch curling into myself in shock.

"Layla" through my confused fog I can hear a faint voice coming from the door. "Layla, honey, are you okay?"

I slowly look up seeing my friends holding up shawarma take out bags. "Come on sweety." Jenna coaxed me off my couch and into the bathroom.

I felt like a zombie slowly stripping off my clothes and hoping into the shower.

When I finished Jenna appeared with a tank top and sweatpants. Slipping into the comfy clothing we make our way back into the living room to find Match holding up three plates of shawarma "Who's hungry?"

We all pile onto my broken couch as Jenna turns on Harry Potter 3 and Match hands me a plate of food and a glass of whiskey. Best dinner ever.

Dinner is relatively quiet except when one of us shouts something at the tv or makes a comment on how oblivious they can be. Jenna and Match know how much I hate talking about my soulmates and I know that they know who those two men were, it was nice not having to talk about it for the night at least. After the movie Jenna presses a quick kiss on my head before Match and her walks the short distance across the hall to their apartment. It's more convenient this way.

After they leave I just sit there watching the credits roll on the tv not really having the energy to move anymore.

And then...


Huh? Pulling myself off the couch I grab my phone off the coffee table.


"Layla Jones?"

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Miss. Jones my name is Catherine Smith, I am a nurse at the London Bridge Memorial Hospital. I am calling on behalf of Katy King."

I almost dropped the phone in shock. "Yes, yes, I know her, how can I help?"

"Miss Jones I am sorry to say Mrs. King was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, she recently relapsed and  is no longer responsive to treatment. Mrs. King requested I get in contact with you, she wants to see you."

"I'll be on the first flight out. Thank you." I don't even get a chance to hang up before the phone slips from my hand. Katy King, I haven't heard from her in years. Then it clicked in my head. I have to go to London.

I have spent my whole life having to move around so people never suspected why I never aged so packing a bag and booking a flight was almost natural. I sent a quick text to Match explaining the situation before grabbing my bag and hailing a taxi to the airport.

Eight hours later the plane touches down in the London airport. It is safe to say I am exhausted. Finding the closest motel and flopping on the bed. Jet lag and stress overtook me into it's dark embrace. I could sleep for a week. 

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