Chapter 2 - One Hell of a Day

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I slowly open my eyes letting the bright fluorescent lights wash over me. Happy birthday to me. The curly headed face of Bruce Banner pops into my vision disturbing the peaceful scenery.

"What's the diagnosis doc?" grumbling I rub the back of my head where a bullet hole one was.

Bruce nervously adjusted his glasses "Your recovery time keeps getting faster every year but we still don't know what causes it."

I shug a response carefully pulling myself off the white sheeted lab bed, "Nothing to concern yourself with doc. I guess the universe just can't seem to handle me dead."

Bruce chuckled nervously when his fellow 'science bro' as I call them Tony Stark walks in.

The billionaire playboy hands me a large glass of what I hope is whiskey "Happy Birthday cupcake. A little something to drive that death breath away."

Bruce and I both glare at him but I still snatch the glass from his hand quickly gulping down the burning carmel liquid, what can I say dying hurts. "Fuck you Stark. I only come here every year so you two nerds can run your experiments and being shot in the head wasn't on my birthday bucket list."

Tony snarks at my sarcasm "Come on Layla, lighten up. I heard your bar is very popular lately. I might just have to stop by some time."

"You do that Stark doors always open."

I snatch my black leather jacket off the table and practically storm out the door. Maybe someday I will know why I'm like this but for now I have to make it to work before Jenna decides to roast my ass over an open fire.

My black and red motorcycle stands ready and waiting outside the Avengers Tower, in all the years I have come here I have only ever met Bruce, Natasha Bruce's bonded soulmate, and Tony. not that I mine superheroes really don't like me. Maybe it's my blatant disregard for myself and others. Fuck superhores right now the only thing I care about is outrunning the cops for speeding.


Revving my bike I quickly grab a parking spot, lucky for the middle of NYC. My beautiful bar, the Nightingale. Friday nights meant the seats were full and one of the local teen bands was playing on the stage on the far side of the bar.

"LAYLA!" Oh shit! I quickly raise my hand catching the whiskey bottle that comes flying at my face.

Popping the top I take a huge swig "Jenna..." groaning I drop myself in an empty seat "What have I told you of trying to kill me with whiskey bottles whenever I walk through the door."

The flirty mutant pops up in front of me levitating the drink around her pouting "Boss you were late again. You promised"

I groan letting my head fall on the counter "Sorry, I got caught up in tests you know how those two get when there together their like dumb and dumber but worse."

Jenna giggles, her enormous boobs jiggling "Go get dressed boss and happy birthday."

I groan slowly pulling myself off the bar stool and head through the double doors into the kitchen. Ron nicknamed Matchstick because of his firing red hair and pale skin, our cook is flipping burgers as I walk into the kitchen. Matchstick is Jenna's soulmate; he is also a mutant with a fire wielding ability, it comes in handy when he cooks.

The fierce redhead glances up at me when I slump through the door "Hey boss, bad day?"

I whine, grabbing some leftover nachos off the cooling rack "Your girlfriend decided to play target practice with my head again."

Matchstick laughs dishing out the cooked burgers "You'd better move fast and change before that girlfriend of mine catches you stalling and shots you AGAIN."

"Match, I am over two hundred years old and I am scared of a four - foot nine women with big boobs." Grumbling to myself I gumble down my nachos and scurry into the protection of my tiny office. Quickly stripping off my leather jacket and long sleeve undershirt I barely manage to wiggle into the dark royal blue v-neck that Jenna insists we wear when working because it 'matches the bars estic' whatever the hell that means I don't question her she will shoot me at a moment's notice. Suddenly my office door slams open revealing a steaming midget of my best friend.

"Hurry up Layla you're needed at the bar." she squeals scurrying in to help me tie up my hair. Final piece of the outfit is a simple ace bandage wrapped around my forearm to hide my soul marks. For a minute I just sit there carefully tracing both of them as Jenna's small hand slips over mine. "You're going to find them some day, Layla and they're going to love you. Now, get your old ass out there and serve up those two hundred year old drinks you're famous for."

I let the smaller women drag me out of the comfort of my office into the bustling floor of the bar. You know two hundred year old ladies are supposed to rest in funeral homes not tend bars like pros, what can I say I was never one for stereotypes.


After a long day everyone starts to drift out into the night leaving the bar quiet and empty. Jenna busted the last of the dishes and took them in the back as I wiped and put away the bottles and glasses. I climbed on top of the counter to put the bourbon on the top shelf when the front door bell went off.

I didn't look up from my work. "Sorry we are closed."

"Actually doll, we are looking for someone. We were told we might find them here." a thick Brooklyn accent calls from behind me. Damn that voice.

Back flipping of the counter I land lightly on the floor. Two very tall muscular men stand by the bar. One is a tall blonde with blue eyes, the other has long brown hair with blue eyes and a warm smile. Something about these two drew me in, under the bandage my marks began to itch. No, no, not today.

For the first time I am actually nervous about something. I slowly backed away from my two mates, never taking my eyes off them for a second until my hand touched the backroom door.

I raise a finger trying not to meet their eyes "One second fellows I'm just going to grab the manager I'm sure she can help you."

Quickly ducking into the kitchen I start hyperventilating. Fuck why do they have to show up today. I rush around the back room hissing "Jenna, Jenna, where are you I need help!"

Jenna appeared from the freezer with Match right behind her. What were they?.. Wait I don't want to know. Jenna fixed her hair separating herself from Match "Hey honey what's wrong?"

"Jenna, Match there are two very muscular dudes out there and I need you two to distract them while I sneak out the back. Please keep the mess to a minimum" Ducking out into the office I quickly change into my shirt and jacket.

Jenna and Match are waiting when I come out. We exchange nods and sly smiles as I make my way out the back.


I am currently about to start what Match has named roof jumping, cheesy I know. Standing on the far side of the roof my heel presses into the wall. Go!

Tearing across the building I push off to the side and jump the gap. See roof jumping. Funnest thing ever.

Reaching the last roof I jump to the ground. My leg breaks with a sickening snap, I ignore it and start limping down the alley as my leg snaps back into place mending the bone back until it's good as new.

Everything's normal, absolutely nothing to worry about. Shit! My arm starts itching again. Picking up the pace I start speed walking, I'm not even sure where I am going, they just can't find me.

This is bad, this is so bad. Every corner I turn my soul marks itch more . No, no, no. Heading for the roofs again I take the closest fire escape and climb. Come on Layla think.

"Doll, please stop." the blonde appears holding his hands out. The brown haired one appears with him slowly advancing towards me. Their faces are a mixture of desperation and hope. I'm trapped between them and another broken limb.

The blonde is almost close enough to grab me when I make the decision, with one last look at my soulmates I turn and jump off the roof. 

Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now