Chapter 52 - I'm Layla Fucking Jones

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*AN !!! Hi I live just wanted to let you know I have the next mostly written already so it should drop within the week ;) Sorry for the wait. Enjoy!*

Elijah screaming was getting tiresome.

"Oh keep it down you big baby, your screaming is annoying and unnecessary." snarling I held Elijah off the ground digging deeper into his mind. God he was even more fucked in the head then Niklaus was. His mind was a mess with repressed trauma making it difficult to navigate stupid visions of an old red door kept clawing at my mind begging to be opened. Come on! "Why the fuck am I here Elijah?!"

The horror that this family had brought upon innocent through the years for fuck sake how had I never ran into these bastards before. Well apparently I did, I just couldn't fucking find it.

"Show me what I want you fucking fuck!" I wasn't gentle, ripping deeper into his mind the more blood and death I found the more careless I became. Elijah bellowed thrashing in vain as I held him easily pinned to the wall by his throat.

"Get off him!" Niklaus moved fast, darting forward. Now I might not be a spring chicken but this old body still had some speed left in it. Before Niklaus could land a blow I stepped to the side, the punch barely missing me hitting Elijah instead. The connection severed leaving Elijah to feel the psychic backlash of my presence ripping from his mind. In the fraction of a second as Niklaus rushed towards us I created a feedback loop of trauma in Elijah's mind. ThoughI made no progress to recover answers, I had discovered the weakness of the Mikaelson. I must someday thank Elijah for being so perceptive. Thanks to him I now knew everything about the Mikaelson's: their friends, enemies, soulmates, secrets. I could destroy this so-called original family from the inside out if I wished. It would be so easy to simply turn them on eachother sit back with a bucket of popcorn and watch the madness unfold. Wouldn't that be fun?

Elijah hit the wall with a sickening crack slipping to the floor. Nicklaus hesitates seemingly in shock from his inability to hit me on the first try.

"Pathetic!" I spat flashing Niklaus a mocking smile "You are supposed to be the first hybrid in existence but you are so slow it's just..." I pause dramatically, brushing invisible dust from my coat "pathetic."

Nicklaus's eyes glowed, his voice dangerously low. "Silence or I will tear off each of your limbs one by one."

It would be so easy. "Aw does the boy need mommy to hold his hand and tell him a story? Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but you are not the big bad thing that everyone fears you are nothing but a child throwing a temper tantrum because the kid on the playground does not want to play."

Niklaus sped forward with a roar but he might as well have been walking in slow motion. Before his strike could land I caught his fist twisting it away and slammed my palm into his chest. The impact caused Niklaus to skid back a few feet, not letting him recover. I charged landing a heavy blow to his jaw.

"I have warned you just as I warned your brother. I do not want anything to do with this shit I wish to go home and be left in peace." Kicking Nicklaus in the chest I grabbed him back the front of his shirt pulling him in close until our faces were mere inches from each other I could see the fear in his eyes though he quickly tried to mask it. "You are not some big bad vampire family, you are nothing bully's intimidating those you find lesser. But I will not be intimidated nor will I be kidnapped from my home by a god damn stranger without properly kicking their asses."

From what I had seen in Nicklaus's and Elijah's mind this family was not used to meeting someone stronger. To them they were the originals, the apex predators. I'm sure even Tony, given some prep time could find a way to imprison or even kill them.

"Who are you?" Niklaus hissed blood dripping from his nose.

"I'm Layla fucking Jones."

*Don't Forget To Comment I love Reading them* 

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