Chapter 38 - Looking For An Ass Whoopin

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Victor moved fast, grabbing the unfortunate soul who scampered too close to the beast. People were yelling but it was like a white noise so loud it made my head ring. I could only focus on Peter and on that vile hand around his throat. Pain blossomed in my shoulder then again in my chest it faded just as quick. Just like the old days: the guns, the blood, the pain. The children are playing with their toys again.

I caught the bloody body Victor tossed at me. He had that animalistic smile in the midst of all the chaos "So are you gonna stand there all day and let people use you as target practice?!" Victor laughed

A bullet tore through my thigh making me stumble swearing as the hole quickly healed. "Fucking fine but just this one time lets fucking kill some people!"


We howled together, it was so easy to slip back into our old ways. Sure I hated my brother, he was a psychopath but then again so was I. We had a bond that not even Logan understood, we had a thirst for death, and destruction that could never be quenched. It would slowly eat away and destroy everyone around us. Victor always said that we were not meant to be human but then why were we blessed with human mates.

Catherine was retreating, taking Peter with her but for a fleeting second Peter and I locked eyes. Don't worry kid, I'm coming.

Soldiers fled before us as Victor unleashed his claws; he always loved the chase. My hand wrapped around the soldier's throat lifting him into the air before plunging my hand into his chest. I could hear his last breath, feel his soul leaving his body leaving behind an empty corpse. It was so easy.

Grabbing the pistol from his holster I tossed the body away unloading the gun into the incoming soldiers.

"Layla!" I winced silently as my arm was on fire. Bucky and Wade burst through the doors behind them were about a dozen kids. What the fuck are they doing!

"Buck!" Oh hell no! The Avengers stormed in from the other side completely decked out in spandex led by Steve aka the mate looking for an ass beating for being dumb. Did no one get it when I said I would handle this.

The remaining White Hand members engaged the Avengers, seeing my chance I punched Victor in the face taking off after Peter.

Not breaking stride I leapt up to the second floor tearing through the door like a bat outta hell. Victor was right behind yeah maybe punching him wasn't the best solution but I needed to draw Victor away from the boys.

Panic made my legs move faster as a shot echoed off the walls.

I knew where she was going following the nightmarish twist and turns back to that accused machine. Bursting through the last door lying limp on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood was...

"Peter!" a cry rang off the walls as I dropped to my knees beside him cradling his head in my hands "Peter... Honey! Please open your eyes kid! I refuse to let you die today!"

The stone seemingly sensing my rage flew from my pocket hovering in the air glowing deep angry orange as I unleashed my power.

Catherine and Victor were thrown across the room pinned against the wall as golden bolts of energy crackled around us. I held Peter close trying to stop the blood pouring from his stomach. I could feel him slowly slipping away, his breathe becoming shallow.

"You're not fucking dying on me today kid!"

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Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora