Sick in alaska (part 4)

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Nates POV
Are the results bad?

Doctor- they aren't bad. It just shows that Sam also has strep. Sam does your throat hurt?

Sam- yeah. It started with a sore throat then developed into a cough and fever as the day went on.

Sorry. I forgot to mention that when I was telling you their symptoms.

Doctor- it's okay. I'm just glad we caught it. And for Colby he does have the stomach flu but because of his stuffy nose I'm guessing he also has a normal cold on top of it. I'm going to prescribe you guys some medication to help you feel better. I will go write that up and I will be back. Think of any questions you guys might have.

The doctor leaves the room. I'm glad we figured out what was wrong. Sam takes off his red hoodie revealing a blue one underneath. Sam and Colby look like they are about to cry.

I try to cheer them up

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I try to cheer them up.

Yo Sam. The doctor won't recognize you now because you changed.

Sam doesn't laugh. Neither does Colby. The doctor comes back in with the prescription. He hands it to me.

Doctor- so any questions?

Yeah. How long will they be sick for?

Doctor- they will have symptoms for at least a week but they should start feeling better within 48 hours of taking the first dose of medication. They will need to take the medication with food or it will make their stomach hurt.

I see Colby put his head in his hands. He already has an upset stomach so this will be hard for him.

Colbys POV
I can't keep any food down though. My stomach already hurts.

I start to cry. Why am I so emotional today.

Doctor- it will be hard for you but you need to do it. You will most likely keep throwing up for the next day or so. If you take the medication you may feel better by tomorrow afternoon. If you don't you will continue to feel sick. If it makes you feel better you can try to take it without food but I will warn you it might make your stomach hurt worse. It's up to you though.

I nod my head but I feel myself getting stressed out.

Sams POV
I'm only half listening to what the doctor is saying. My head hurts so bad. It feels like a small migraine. I cough again and it makes my head hurt even more. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep. I haven't been this tired in years.

Doctor- Sam do you have any questions?

If I did I would have asked by now so what do you think.

I shocked myself with how rude I sounded.

Nate- SAM. You do not speak that way to someone. She is trying to help you. what has gotten into you. Say you're sorry.

Sam and Colby hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now