Colbys fever

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I wake up to hear someone rummaging through the cabinets in the bathroom. I get up and knock on the bathroom door. Colby opens it. He looks terrible. I give him a confused look.

Sam: you okay colbs? You don't look very good.
Colby: do you know where the Advil or Tylenol is? I can't find it.
Sam: I had it yesterday for a headache and put it in the kitchen cabinet downstairs. Why do you need it?
Colby: my throat and head hurt for some reason.

I look at Colby who looks sweaty and flushed. I reach out my hand to check if he has a fever.

Sam: you feel a bit warm. Come downstairs with me.

Colby follows me downstairs. I tell him to go sit on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and grab a thermometer and some Tylenol. I put the thermometer in Colby's mouth. When it beeps I take it out.

Sam: 99.8 it's not a high fever but I want to keep an eye on you to make sure it doesn't get worse.

I run upstairs and grab my computer and bring it back down so I can edit and keep an eye on Colby at the same time. He is laying down under a blanket to the right of me.

Sam: do you need anything colbs?
Colby: no. I'm good for the moment. Thanks though.

I edit for about and hour when I start to get a lot of comments on Instagram asking if I could go live.

Sam: hey colbs is it okay with you if I go live on Instagram for a bit?
Colby: yeah that's fine.
Sam: okay. I just wanted to check since you don't feel good.

I go live on Instagram. I answer a few questions. But the same question keeps coming up.

Where's Colby?
Is Colby there?
Is Colby okay? I don't see him.

Before I tell them about Colby I want to ask him if it's okay to share with them what's going on.

Sam: hey Colby. Sorry to keep bothering you but our fans keep asking where you are. Is it okay with you if I tell them?
Colby: *cough cough* sure.

I tell the fans that Colby is laying next to me and that he just has a small fever at the moment. I look over at Colby who is shivering under the blanket.

Sam: you okay colbs?
Colby: I'm cold and my neck hurts from not having a pillow.
Sam: you can lay your head in my lap if you want.

Colby scoots closer to me and lays his head in my lap. I feel his body shivering against me. I reach down to play with his hair.

Sam: jeez Colby you're burning up.

I grab the thermometer again and hand it to Colby. I look at it when it beeps.

Sam: oh Colbs. 102.7 I'll get you some fever reducer.

I get up and come back with some medicine. Colby takes it and then lays back down in my lap. I decided to end the live so I can take care of Colby.

Sam: you okay colbs
Colby: yeah. Thank you Sam.

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