Hospital visit Pt 3

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This part is inspired by my favorite movies (miracles from heaven)


I lunge at Colby and grab the knife from him. I throw it into the hall.

S- What on earth are you thinking colbs. What were you doing to do with that knife?

I look at an extremely distressed Colby staring back at me with tear stained eyes barely able to breathe.

C- I-I was going to kill my self Sam.
S- w-why Colby. Aren't you happy here?

Colby starts crying harder and breathing faster

C- I want to die. I want to go where there's no more pain. Don't you understand? I can't have fun with you and the boys, I can't move and I'm in extreme non stop pain. I can't deal with this anymore
S- but colbs we love you and you will get through this. I promise. If you die we would all be so sad. I wouldn't want to live anymore if you left this planet
C- but Sam you can't die. You have so much to live for. So many opportunities ahead of you.
S- and so do you colbs.
C- no I don't Sam. I'm going to die with this stupid tumor anyway. I hate everything right now. I'm sorry Sam.

Just as I was about to explain to Colby that the tumor isn't cancerous I notice Colby has gone very pale.

S- Colby. You okay?

Colby leans over the edge of the bed and starts puking. Thankfully it's not blood.m because the doctor said that if it was we would need to bring him back in. I reach over to rub Colbys back.

S- No. T-t-this can't be happening. Colbs you're burning up again this isn't good. This isn't good at all.

I run and grab the thermometer from his bathroom. I stick it in his mouth and wait. When it beeps I take it out and immediately start crying. 103.8
The doctor said it can't get past 101.5

S- Colby we have to go to the hospital again. You're temperature is too high. You could die.

At this point Colby is too weak to respond. I scoop him up in my arms and run him out to the car. I call his doctor while I speed to the emergency room. When we get there doctors and nurses hurry out and take Colby back with them. I burst into tears. My best friend might die. Just then Colbys doctor approaches my car. I rolled down the window to talk to him.

S- is Colby gonna be okay?
D- it isn't looking good right now Sam. I was worried this would happen.
S- worried what would happen?

Colbys doctor opens his mouth to speak but gets interrupted by his phone ringing. He answers it and his face drops. He looks at me and hangs up.

S- is it Colby?

The doctor nods his head.

D- I'm sorry Sam. I'll talk to you later. There's an issue with Colby right now. He is going to die if I don't help them right now.

Colbys doctor runs back inside. I can't believe what is happening. I sit there in my car crying until I can barely breathe. The double doors open and I hear some nurses talking as they walk by my car.

N1- Colby doesn't have much longer to live it seems
N2- not unless they can remove the cancer.
N1- it doesn't seem very likely that it can be fully removed considering it has spread to some major parts of his body that are very fragile.

The nurses get into their cars and leave. I feel my body going numb. Cancer? I thought to myself as the truth sank in. I look up for a split second to see Colbys doctor standing at the entrance motioning for me to get out and come over. He looks very upset. I walk over to him still visibly upset.

D- Sam? We need to talk. It's best you come in and sit down to hear this news.


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