Part 4

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A/N: What were everyone's thoughts on ep9? Poor Cherry. But now I wholeheartedly believe MatchaBlossom is canon. XD

The first day of the tournament had come and you and Adam were ready to make yet another grand entrance. "Ready my Eve?" Adam cooed into your ear. "Of course." You responded plainly. The ground above you opened and the two of you spiralled upwards. Cheers erupted throughout the crowd as the two of you were revealed to the public. "Okay everyone let's skate!" You said happily as the tournament 1st entries were revealed. You were placed with Joe and Snow for the entrances. Rolling your eyes, you prepared your board. "Y/N we need to have a conversation." You heard Cherry say from behind you. You didn't respond as the lights flashed. Red, red, red, red then green. You waited a few seconds before turning to face Cherry. "Sayonara~" You giggled before jumping backwards onto your board and skating off. You easily caught up with the crowd of skaters, diving in and out of groups. "Y/N." Joe muttered as you sped past him. "Joe." You responded shooting him a glare as you vanished from his view.

The qualifiers were as expected, well aside from one unusual entry. Joe, Cherry, Snow, Adam, Shadow, Miya, yourself and the surprising Snake. "Tadashi what do you think you're doing?" You yelled at the black haired man in front of you. "I apologise miss Y/N but someone needs to do it." He muttered before walking calmly away, Adam chasing closely behind.

It had been another day of lounging around Adam's house with his annoying aunts, listening carefully to what they were speaking about. "Ah my Eve shall we be off?" Adam purred, arriving unexpectedly behind you. "Of course." You replied. Adam frowned slightly but didn't speak of it any further. The drive over was uncomfortably silent, with Tadashi in the front and Adam shooting daggers into the back of his head. You of course were messing around with your board. "I do hope I get you for my first race Y/N, I will anxiously await the draw." He murmured, kissing your masked cheek before heading alone to the stage. The first draw was Langa and Joe. You didn't bother to watch the race, you knew Langa would win, and instead strolled over to the vending machine. You hung around drinking soda and having aimless conversations with strangers until the second draw was about to be announced. The first card read Adam and the second read Cherry. Your heart began to pound quicker, louder. A part of you hoped Cherry would lose to Adam, that he deserved to lose to Adam for what he did to you, yet somewhere deep inside you a small voice was telling you to go support Cherry, that Cherry should win. Surprisingly the smaller voice won. He was your boyfriend after all. You jogged round he back of the track and reached a good corner that was pretty secluded and hidden away. You faintly heard the familiar beep signalling that the lights went green then came the familiar squeals of "Go master Cherry" or "Aaah Cherry-Sama please don't lose!" You rolled your eyes but remained focused on the track.

After around ten minutes of waiting, Cherry and Joe came hurtling around the corner and reached the straight line after your hiding place. That was where your eyes widened in fear as Adam overtook your boyfriend and hit him round the face with his skateboard. Cherry went flying backwards and landed on his back, skidding a few metres before coming to a painful halt. One side of Cherry's mask had been torn off during the impact, his clothes were ripped and torn yet the worst thing was the shock and panic in his usually calm amber eyes. You saw Adam turn to face Cherry and say something that on a normal day you probably would have been able to make out if it weren't for the alarm bells going off in your head.

"Kaoru!" You screamed, running onto the track and falling to your knees by Cherry's head. "Now now my Eve what do we think you're doing?" Adam asked, a finger lifting up your chin so you could look him in the eyes as a sick grin spread across his face. You shook your chin away and looked back down at Cherry who's eyes were wide and his hands shaking every so slightly. "Adam what on earth did you do?" You hissed, a single tear slipping down your cheek. "My Eve don't you understand this is all for you!" He shouted manically as the camera's zoomed in on his face.

A/N: The full side story should be out either tomorrow or the day after. 

Cherry Blossom (Sakurayashiki Kaoru) x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz