Side story (full)

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You and Kaoru had been friends for years, and I don't just mean friends I mean best friends. You had been through hell and back with each other, you had supported him when his calligraphy didn't start off as you'd both hoped and he'd helped you get over your first break up. There wasn't a thing one of you didn't know about the other, until you woke up coughing petals.

It was eight in the morning and your alarm was going haywire as usual when you slammed the top of it angrily and stormed into the bathroom. However it was when you were in the shower you began to choke. You just assumed it was a cold so placed your hand over your mouth only for the cough to not go away.

"What the-" You spluttered out as a petal shot into your hand. It was a small white petal tainted pink on the inside where other petals would join together. Overall it was very pretty and on a normal day if it hadn't just come out of your mouth you would have stopped to appreciate that. But today was not an ordinary day and it had indeed just come out of your mouth.

Your breathing became erratic and your heart pounded in your chest. Questions raced throughout your mind until finally and idea settled. Racing out of your house a few minutes later, now fully dressed, you sprinted over to Kaoru's.

Kaoru POV:

My eyes flew open at the sounds of fists on wood. I grabbed the first thing I could, a clothes hanger, and pushed my glasses onto my nose. The floorboards seemed to creak with every small step I took until I reached the front door. I swung the door open wide and brandished my hanger until the sounds of manic laughter reached my ears.

Original POV:

You jumped back slightly after the door flew open and there to your surprise and slight horror good your best friend wielding a clothes hanger as if it were a bat. (Sangwoo I-) Laughter erupted from inside you and tears began to form in your eyes as you once again began to struggle for air.

An arm snaked around your back and a hand patted your back as laughs turned to gasps for much needed air. Your hand covered your mouth and suddenly another couple of petals shot into it. You paled and tightened your grip, crushing the pale flower in your hand. It was that moment you realised that Kaoru's hand was still on your back. A jolt of electricity shot throughout your body and your cheeks reddened at the feeling. You stepped back and took one look at his worried expression before running back home.

You and Kaoru had been friends for years...

A sad smile ghosted your tired lips as you looked down at the now fully formed Cherry Blossom resting in your palm, the once white petals stained red with your blood. You couldn't remember when you feel for Kaoru only that you'd loved him for years.

Your lungs begged for the air you knew wouldn't come and as the world began to fade, and you slipped into an everlasting sleep, all that remained was a warm feeling on your cheeks and a jolt of electricity as the ghost hand remained.

A/N: Sorry about the earlier post I didn't realised it published but here is the full side Hanahaki AU story. I am buying tissues if needed. Also don't forget to request any SK8 the infinity stories or headcanons you would like to see. I write anyone and anything.

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