Part 6

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Sorry for not updating last week I've only just watched the latest two episodes as I was behind, the next chapter should be out soon!

A/N: I am so sorry I got a comment saying something didn't make sense I didn't realise the setting of where I last left off this is in the skatepark not the love hotel for the beginning -You and Reiki skated there-.

The phone suddenly went silent as Joe hung up, you remained frozen in one place until Reiki began to wave his hand in front of your face. "Hello Y/N?" He yelled, "Anyone home?" You blinked your eyes before running off to grab your board and skated away. "What's up with them?" Langa muttered as Reiki shrugged in response. You skated to the hospital as quickly as you possibly could.

You ran into the elevator but before you could press the button a foot halted the doors. "Y/N." Miya muttered, walking into the elevator after you. "Miya..." You responded quietly, your eyes flying to the ground. "Here to see Shadow?" He asked hesitantly. You paused, why was Shadow here? "I have to go." You murmured, pushing past the small boy and running back out of the hospital.

The next day was a weekend and as per usual you met Langa and Reiki. "Where to?" You asked, forcing a smile onto your face. "Parrotfish." Reiki replied before Langa added something, "First one there gets juice!" You laughed slightly before speeding after the excitable redhead. Reiki and Langa were messing around with the small chihuahua whilst you were sat in the corner reading a manga when the door opened. "Hell-" Reiki started before exclaiming, "You're the love hotel dude!" You looked up suddenly interested and your eyes met Tadashi's. "Love hotel, what's that?" Langa asked innocently as Reiki's face went red and he began lecturing the poor boy. "Hello Tadashi." You said, walking up to the male. "Hello Y/N, this is for your friend." He responded, not smiling as usual. You took the small black piece of paper shaped like a heart and handed it to a still lecturing Reiki. 'Dear third wheel.' The card read. "What's a third wheel?" Reiki muttered before Langa responded. "A nuisance." Reiki began to yell at Langa once again before Tadashi continued to speak, "Adam wants to invite you to join the competition." Your eyes widened, as did Langa whilst Reiki grew silent. "I would advise you decline." Was the last thing Tadashi said before walking back out the door.

The next few hours seemed to vanish as a mix of helping out at the store and being nagged by Reiki's mum to eat something. "So these wheels have weird special grips." You muttered, examining the oddly coloured wheels, "Yes!" Reiki said, grinning widely as Langa stared at a pair of spiky wheels, "You can skate on these?" "No." You snickered slightly at Langa's completely deflated expression at Reiki's response, "So about your board Langa do you really still need the clips?" You asked. Langa looked up in response before turning to face Reiki, "They are like your equivalent of training wheels, I think you could go without." Reiki said proudly. Langa nodded excitedly and watched as you assisted Reiki in the removal. It must have begun to rain when you were working on Langa's board as by the time you had to return to yours and Cherry's house it was pouring it down. "I might as well make a run for it." You sighed, sprinting out into the rain, your board under one arm.

You were running along the side street when your foot slipped and you went flying forwards. You groaned slightly, rolling over onto your back. "That fucking stings." You cursed, rubbing your grazed knee. You shakily stood up again before walking the rest of the way home. "Kaoru I'm back!" You called and when you got no response a single tear slipped down your cheek. "Oh yeah.."

It was the next match at S when you next saw Cherry Blossom. "Reiki wait up!" You yelled, chasing after the all too happy boy. "No way!" He called back, speeding up. You laughed slightly before speeding up as well, only to run into someone. "Ow, sorry." You muttered, standing back up and bowing slightly. "Thunder." An all too familiar voice said. You looked up hesitantly and made eye contact with Joe. "Joe..." You responded. "Oi if you could keep pushing me that'd be great!" An irritated Kaoru's voice sounded, drawing your attention to a wheelchair Joe was pushing in front of him. "I think I'm going to leave you to talk this out." Joe said, ending you the handles to Kaoru's chair. "Gorilla who the heck did you hand this chair to!?" Cherry yelled as Joe walked off towards a group of girls with a smirk. "Kao can we talk..." You whispered. Cherry stiffened slightly at the sound of your voice but nodded all the same. "I'm so sorry, your injury is all my fault I never should have trusted Adam when he showed me those pictures, I can't believe I thought he was right. I'm so sorry I miss you so much Kao!" You exclaimed, tears now running freely down your cheeks. "Wait what photos?" Cherry muttered after a few moments of silence. "It's nothing." You muttered, sniffing slightly as you wiped your tears away. "Y/N." "Okay fine he showed me these." You reluctantly pulled out the images and placed the on Cherry's lap. "Oh wow these are believable." Cherry muttered before tossing them in a nearby bin. "But they aren't real." He said, cupping your face in his hands, his thumb gently wiping away the stray tears you missed, "I love you and only you."

Your beautiful moment with your boyfriend was suddenly ruined as Adam skated up to you. "Aah my Eve I wonder with what gaze you shall look at me today~" He cooed, his index finger slipping under your chin. "Disgust." You spot back before wheeling Cherry away. You could feel Adam's gaze on your back as you walked back and couldn't resist sticking your middle finger up at him as you walked into the crowd.

You found a good place to see the screen and put Cherry's brakes on before standing beside the wheelchair. You suddenly felt two arms wrap around your waist and pull you down slightly. You looked at Cherry with surprise as he placed you gently on his lap before smiling and kissing his cheek as the lights flashed.

Reiki said something inaudible to Adam before they set off, Adam instantly in the lead. To everyone's surprise Adam instantly went into his infamous love hug and unknowingly you had grabbed Cherry's hand. Reiki dodged only for Adam to grab him and yank him back. You gasped as Adam began to slap Reiki and soon enough tears were gathered in your eyes as Adam there Reiki around like a rag doll. You turned your face away and buried it in Cherry's shoulder as Adam forced Reiki into the edge of the cliff, holding him by his neck. "Y/N I would look now." Cherry murmured, in shock. You turned back only to see Reiki skating down the side of the cliff. You cheered slightly before your face went slack again, why was Reiki skating towards Adam? Reiki's arms wrapped around Adam's waist and soon enough Adam was raising a knee to the poor boys stomach and later face. Blood splattered over Reiki's skateboard causing you to grip onto Cherry's hand tighter. Suddenly Reiki released Adam's waist and skated ahead again just as the rain began. You cursed slightly before feeling an umbrella being held over the two of you. You looked up and grinned to see Joe standing behind Cherry's wheelchair, umbrella in hand. The crowd alongside you, Miya and Langa cheered as Reiki's specially designed gripped wheels gave him the advantage in rainy weather. That is until Adam raised his board like Sangwoo again (I was so scared lol-) and made to hit him as he had done to Kaoru. You screwed your eyes shut at the memory before slowly opening them at the sounds of Cherry and Joe's laughter. "Wha-" You muttered before staring in awe at the screen. Adam lay defeated in the mud and you couldn't stop the small smile that spread across your lips.

You and Cherry wheeled over to the finish line with Langa and Miya just in front of you and Joe beside and once you had gotten yet another good spot began screaming as Reiki appeared. You looked on in horror as Adam caught up and Reiki's wheels began to shake dangerously. "Come on Reiki!" You yelled only for the redhead's wheels to break in the final straw. Adam raced across the finish line a split second before Reiki who came tumbling after him. The crowds were chanting Reiki's name and Adam was standing dumbfounded as to why. You were celebrating along with the crowd when Langa ran towards Reiki who was still lying on the ground not moving. "Reiki..." He muttered, worry laced throughout his voice. Suddenly the redhead spun onto his back, laughing his head off. "Skating really is fun!" He said with an enormous smile. You let out a sigh of relief before the crowd went silent.

"I forfeit my race against Thunder." You heard Tadashi announce before turning and walking away, "As do I." Langa added, grinning at Reiki, "We have a promise." Adam remained dumbfounded before yet another manic grin spread across his face, "We will become Adam and Eve my dear!" He exclaimed, his eyes boring holes into you as he stared through his mask.

A/N: Just remember I'm also doing requests for any character as well as Cherry and on another note out of intrest what are everyone's favourite animes?

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