1st meeting (Request 2)

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I think this story will have at least 2-3 parts to it as I have too many ideas but here we go for the first part.

"Crap I'm late!" You cursed, sprinting down a side alleyway. It was the first day of the last year of highschool and you were already running late. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you quickly grabbed it, not bothering to slow down. "Watch where you're going." An unfamiliar voice said as you ran into something solid, subsequently knocking you over. "Sorry jackass!" You said, rubbing your ass as you stood up from the floor. "I wasn't the one running through the streets on their phone." The same voice muttered. You finally looked up to see the person in front of you. He had long pink hair tied up in a high ponytail with loose strands dangling down slightly by the sides of his face and one of his eyes were covered. He had a lip piercing and was in your school uniform. He was in one word very attractive. "You're going to be late you know." You muttered, blushing slightly. "I am aware thank you for the heads up." He responded sarcastically. You quickly straightened your maroon skirt and tucked in your white shirt before adjusting your maroon tie awkwardly. "Well I'll be off, see you." You muttered before sprinting away.

Over the next few weeks you began to notice the pink haired man when in school. When he smiled at you it would make your heart race even if deep down you knew he was doing it to be polite. If you were down then seeing him walk past would lighten your day even if it was just by a small amount. So when you were paired with his best friend for a school project your heart did little flips. "Y/N right?" The green haired man you knew as Koijiro asked as he sat down beside you. "Yeah!" You said, staring not so subtly at the back of Kaoru's head. "So you free this Sunday? After all we need to get to know each other first~" Koijiro said, desperately trying to flirt his way into getting your attention. "Huh?" You said, turning your gaze to him for a quick second before going back to staring at Kaoru. "Oh my god what are you even staring at?" Koijiro huffed, finally turning to see what had your attention. "Hey Kaoru quit stealing my partners attention!" "What are you on about you green gorilla." Kaoru asked, turning slightly in his seat. There was no response as you and Kaoru made dead eye contact, each being too afraid to break it. Your cheeks went slightly red and you slowly turned to face your now fuming partner. You could feel Kaoru's gaze still on you as you began small talk with Koijiro.

You and Koijiro grew slowly closer and closer until you even began skating with him on the weekends. "Ha you suck y/n!" Koijiro yelled, laughing as you yet again face planted the floor. "Yeah well you're a shit teacher!" You yelled back, rolling over and lying on your back. "Well I gotta run see ya!" Koijiro said as he hastily gathered his things and skated off. You remained lying back down on the floor until you sighed and pushed yourself up. "Okay y/n you can do this!" You said, climbing back on the board and re-attempting an ollie. It was around 11:45pm when you finally decided to stop. "Okay y/n you've managed it!" You said, doing a small victory dance in the middle of the skate park. "Now I just have to get home safe!"

You started your long walk home when a loud commotion caught your attention. You ran over and fiddled with the bottom of your cropped hoodie. You caught sight of Koijiro at the front of the crowd and quickly put up your mask and hood. You stayed to watch the drama happening for a while until Koijiro recognised you. "Four eyes!" "Damn green gorilla!" Koijiro's eyes went to the back of the crowd only for him to see you standing there visibly out of place.

"I'll be right back." He muttered before sneaking off and motioning for you to follow him. "Koijiro?!" You hissed before your eyes fell down and you 'accidently' saw his abs. "Jesus how the hell are you so ripped?!" "I- wait thank you- but also it's Joe here." Came the response. "What exactly is here?" "S, it's a skating arena effectively, you should come more often but then you'd need a nickname, and how would we hide from K-" "Thunder." Was your only response to Joe's rambling, "I want to be called thunder."

A/N: This was so cute to write thank you for requesting it!

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