Part 7

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the support on this story it means so much to me and here you go the final part of the main story...

It was the inevitable day of yours and Adam's race at S yet you didn't feel the same rush of energy and enthusiasm you usually did before a beef. You spent most of the morning walking aimlessly around yours and Kaoru's house in your pyjamas before you got a call. "Hello?" You answered, picking up the call. "Y/N I just had the most peculiar clothing request. A young man with blue hair walked in and asked me to tailor a suit for him." Your father said down the line, "Oh really..." Came your response.

"Do you have a strategy yet?" Reiki asked as you were mindlessly stroking the dog who was currently sleeping peacefully on the countertop. "Not really but-" You began before the dogs eyes flashed and it bit down on Reiki's hand causing a smirk to spread across your face. Langa ran up to Reiki asking if he was okay whilst you went silent and thought. "Why do you think Adam skates?" You asked, catching the two boys attention. "I just mean he doesn't have anyone to skate with." You quickly followed up. "Because it's fun." Was all you got in response. You tilted your head slightly before Reiki elaborated, "Skating is fun you don't necessarily need someone to skate with for it to be fun, just is." Langa nodded in agreement as the manager called you into the back.

"So Shadow are you better now?" Miya asked, interrupting the peaceful silence inside Shadow's car. "Not really but I couldn't just sit around in the hospital doing nothing." Came the male's response, "Agreed." Came Cherry's later. "So do you think Y/N has a chance?" Shadow asked after a few moments for this time awkward silence. "Yeah of course they do, they've won before!" Miya said with a wide smile. "Adam wasn't trying back then." Cherry said plainly, leaning back against his chair but staring at the road in front of him. "Have you ever seen him try?" Miya asked quietly. Cherry shook his head slowly, "He never had a reason to try before."

You arrived a few minutes after Cherry, Miya and Shadow and once you were out of the car, immediately ran towards your boyfriend. "Kaoru it's good to see you out of the wheelchair!" You said happily, "Sorry I couldn't visit earlier my dad called." "It's fine Y/N anything interesting?" Cherry's voice sounded with a lighthearted chuckle. "Well you see-" You began before the crowd interrupted you. "He's up there!" "Is that a coffin?" "Is this really the finishing line?" "Is someone going to die?" Whispers and mummers surrounded you as the crowd parted to reveal a long stretch of rock tilting upwards. Adam was standing at the top a new outfit on and a new board in hand. "Adam." You spat as you reached where he was dramatically standing. "Aah my Eve tonight we shall be one!" Adam said ceremoniously, clacking his heels together as he turned around to face you. Your blood went cold at Adam's new look. A black and blue body suit covered his body with a heart shaped hole in the back, covered with a fake spine. His mask had changed too, the once previous circus like mask was replaced by more fake bones. "Who died?" You muttered as the lights flashed.

You and Adam had been skating for a few moments in blissful silence until he spoke up. "My Eve are you ready?" He murmured, drawing in closer to you. You drew back edging nearer and nearer to the edge of the cliff face before an unusual yet strangely familiar feeling overcame your body. It was as if you could see the fragments of light flying in all directions. Reds flashed next to greens and purples as blues and oranges danced before your eyes. It was breathtaking. "Welcome my Eve, nothing else exists here just skating. Nothing, no-one. Just us and our love." Adam said, as he continued to skate on.

"Cherry what's going on?" Reiki asked, voice laced with worry at the sight of his friend mindlessly skating on the screen. "They've entered the zone, top tier athletes do it sometimes it's the highest point of focus where everything else just disappears." Cherry murmured, eyes glued to the screen in horror. "It's suicidal to enter the zone here at S..." Joe muttered doing the same. :How can they get out of the zone?!" Langa asked, now panicking as well. "Ask someone that's been in it." Came the unfortunate reply from the pink haired male.

Cherry Blossom (Sakurayashiki Kaoru) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now